The holidays are just around the corner, and maybe not so coincidentally, so is the return of a new Star Wars movie to theaters for the first time in over a decade. That means the timing is perfect to give Star Wars -themed holiday gifts to your friends, and not just any old pals, but your foodie friends especially. Star Wars and food go together like an Astromech Droid and a Protocol Droid, and there are a ton of options out there to suit everyone on your list from sweet tooth kids to bakeaholics to that one die-hard Star Wars fan you know who thinks she owns every piece of memorabilia.
With this gift guide, you'll have everything you need to transform the kitchen of every person on your list to one that looks like it belongs on Tatooine, and enough food to make their stomach contents resemble the insides of a Tauntaun (nice and warm). Whether your foodie friends side with the light or the dark side, whether they think BB-8 or R2-D2 is the cutest droid, or whether they prefer the prequels to the original trilogy (jk, I have nothing for them), you'll find the perfect present for them in these 14 Star Wars holiday gifts for your foodie friends.
1. Star Wars Cookie Cutters
This set of six cookie cutters includes Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Chewbacca, Yoda, C-3PO, and Stormtrooper molds. $14.99 at Think Geek.
2. Death Star Cookie Jar
They'll need a place to put all those cookies, obviously. $29.99 at Think Geek.
3. R2-D2 Measuring Cup Set
The cutest measuring cup set ever — at least until they come out with a BB-8 version. $19.99 at Think Geek.
4. Light Up Chop Sabers
So your friends can show their sushi that they are one with the force. $14.99 at Think Geek.
5. Battle Scene Heat Change Mug
Your friends can watch the Millennium Falcon engage with some lousy Tie Fighters as soon as they add coffee. $11.99 at Think Geek.
6. Darth Vader Toaster
Not only does this toaster look just like Darth Vader's head, it also burns the Star Wars logo into toast. How cool is that? $34.99 at Think Geek.
7. Star Wars Ice Cream
This new ice cream is available in both The Light Side (marshmallow ice cream with homemade crispie clusters, plus a few cocoa crispies because there's a little of the Dark Side in all of us) and The Dark Side (dark chocolate ice cream with espresso fudge brownies, cocoa crispies, and white chocolate pearls because the Light Side never fully goes away, either) flavors, so buy accordingly. $36 for four pints at Amplehills.com.
8. Star Wars Mac & Cheese
What Star Wars fan doesn't want to eat Kraft macaroni and cheese shaped like their favorite characters? The noodles come in four collectible boxes: Yoda, Darth Vader, C-3PO, and R2-D2. $12.58 for a three pack at Amazon.
9. Star Wars Cereal
Here, your friends can begin their day by choosing either the Light (Yoda) or Dark (Darth Vader) Side. $9 for a two pack at Amazon.
10. Yoda Ceramic Goblet With Chocolate Fudge Cocoa Mix
To drink hot cocoa out of Yoda's head, your friends want. $14.99 at Amazon.
11. Star Wars Snack And Goodies Christmas Stocking
Why not replace their boring old Christmas stocking with a full-on Star Wars stocking? This one contains a giant random Star Wars character gummy head, Force Awakens character lollipops, Storm Trooper gummy skewers, and a Captain Phasma chocolate stocking, among other goodies. $49.99 at Amazon.
12. The Star Wars Cookbook
Wookie cookies! Who wouldn't want to make Wookie cookies? $11.30 at Amazon.
13. BB-8 Donuts
You'll have to make these yourself, but they are super easy and so adorable. Recipe at Starwars.com.
14. Han Solo Fridge
Hey, they're going to need a place to store all of those goodies you just gave them, right? Plus, this "carbonite" fridge even has a warm setting for keeping food toasty, if that's what your friends are into. $149.99 at Think Geek.
With this list, you should be able to satisfy any Star Wars foodie fan you're likely to come across. Let the forks be with them.
Images: Disney; Think Geek; Ample Hills Creamery; Amazon; Starwars.com