For thousands of faithful followers, one of the most hallowed days of the year is nigh: one where we gather together with our loved ones to reflect upon our own mortality and the forces of good and evil that surround us. This celebratory day is not Christmas, of course, but the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and for the occasion Woodrocket has created a video short about porn stars' favorite Star Wars films.
As any dedicated fan knows, porn and Star Wars go together like ice and planet Hoth or Darth Vader and a death grip. There have already been a number of adult parodies of Star Wars, including Sex Wars, Star Wars XXX, Porn Wars, and, my personal favorite, Star Whores.
Given this decades long link between the two camps, it makes perfect sense to ask a variety of porn stars to choose a favorite installment of this saga from a galaxy far, far away. While some actors admit they aren't fans or are too young to have seen them, others know exactly which installment appeals to their space fantasies most.
And the most popular character of all? Arguably the cutest member of the franchise: ewoks.
Want more of Bustle's Sex and Relationships? Check out our video on sex positions for small penises:
Images: Woodrocket; Giphy