
'Star Wars' Gets 'Pitch Perfect' In This Medley

by Kadeen Griffiths

And the Star Wars: The Force Awakens promo train is the gift that keeps on giving this holiday season. I'm glad that Pitch Perfect made a capella cool again, because The Force Awakens cast performed a Star Wars medley on The Tonight Show, in which they did an a capella rendition of the galaxy's theme song alongside Jimmy Fallon and The Roots. Predictably, it was the greatest thing, um, ever conceived of. Can I just watch three hours of this instead of the movie? Can there be a Force Awakens post-credits scene that's just this video? All the big players in the upcoming blockbuster were present and accounted for, using their mouths to make music like only a Barden Bella can. I'd be genuinely shocked if you didn't end up watching this several times today.

Of course, the Internet is no stranger to Star Wars a capella medleys, but how many of them are performed by the cast of old and new stars? Basically just this one, that's how many. The video begins with the prerequisite title card proclaiming that this is happening in a galaxy far, far away, and then Fallon comes in, followed by the Roots, to kick off the medley. Once The Force Awakens stars start flooding in — Daisy Ridley followed by John Boyega — that's when the video truly gets interesting. The split, multicolored screens just make it all even better, and ensure that you have no idea where to look.

But the best part of the medley comes at the end, where we're surprised with one more Force Awakens star (Can you guess who?) Of course, the reveal of who it is doesn't have anywhere near the same awesome effect as the look on his face when he notices who he's next to on the split screen. And the face that she makes in response. It's literally the best moment of the two minute video, and the moment you'll really be narrowing in on every time you re-watch. There are only a few days separating us from the premiere of The Force Awakens, but, if the cast keeps doing promo like this, they're going to pull in even more fans than the, like, half the country that will turn up to watch this movie.

Check out the medley below.

Image: TheTonightShowStarringJimmyFallon/YouTube