
Celebrities' 'Real Housewives' Taglines For 2016

by Allison Piwowarski

2015, it's been a blast. You were full of laughs and gasps, but now it's time to show yourself out of my house and make room for 2016. A new year is like a new season of Real Housewives. The potential is exciting and the drama has yet to start, so you don't hate anyone... just yet. So, in the honor of 2016 and the Real Housewives franchise being basically the same thing, I felt it was only necessary to come up with Real Housewives taglines for 2015's biggest entertainers. Because some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry are just asking to get a Lisa Vanderpump-approved tagline.

In case you don't realize just how special Real Housewives taglines are to our society, allow me to spend the next few moments recognizing some of the best taglines the franchise has ever featured. "Throw me to the wolves and I shall return leading the pack," said by one Lisa Vanderpump during a rather shaky season of Beverly Hills. "Get the Pinot ready, because it's Turtle Time!" said by (of course) Ramona Singer, referencing her now infamous "Turtle Time" dance on New York. "When people say I'm fake, I know they're just pulling my leg," said by Aviva Drescher, because she has a fake leg. It's just so good.

So, without further ado, here are the 2016 Real Housewives taglines for Hollywood's biggest names. (Please picture being said with a dramatic over-the-shoulder turn, and possibly a hair flip — I'm looking at you Donald.)

Taylor Swift

"I may have dominated 2015, but I'll never go out of style."

Saint West

"When you're lost, just remember that North isn't the only star to follow."

Donald Trump

"I have a tremendous respect... for people named Donald Trump."


"In 2015 I said 'hello,' but I won't be saying 'goodbye' anytime soon."

Ronda Rousey

"Being a knockout is just part of the job."

Amy Schumer

"In 2016, this Trainwreck is taking checks to the bank."

Hillary Clinton

"This year, my LinkedIn profile is getting a makeover."

Steve Harvey

"Show me, second chances!"

Justin Bieber

"I'm done apologizing for just doing me."

Images: Giphy (9)