Carly Fiorina's Jab Against Hillary Is Ridiculous
The undercard of the sixth GOP debate has been a rather heated affair. Almost immediately, Carly Fiorina attacked Hillary Clinton about her marriage with a seriously unnecessary, uncalled for jab. "Unlike another woman in this race, I actually love spending time with my husband," Fiorina said on Thursday night as she answered a question on the economy. The attacks didn't stop there, as Fiorina continued to hammer Clinton, evoking Benghazi and even insulting Republican front-runner Donald Trump by insinuating that he had bought Clinton off.
It's the immediate insult of Clinton's personal life that is particularly troubling, however. Though Fiorina has been incredibly critical of and vocal about the Democratic presidential hopeful, she has typically kept her remarks strictly to politics rather than issuing such personal attacks. The jab may also indicate Fiorina using an outrageous statement to gain back the traction she's lost. The former HP CEO has seen her poll numbers lower considerably since rising from the first GOP debate's earlier event to the main stage only to return to the undercard during the sixth debate at the North Charleston Performing Arts Center.
Fiorina's insulting comment does little to bolster herself as a legitimate candidate and stand as a strange contrast to the praise she gave fellow candidates Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum, who had joined her for the pre-debate. Rather than simply answer the initial debate question, she took jabs at the political establishment in ways that were completely unrelated to her assessment of the economy. After a lengthy series of insults to Clinton, Fiorina finally gave her thoughts on where she feels the country's finances and job growth currently stand. Fiorina said:
The state of the economy is not strong. We have record numbers of men out of work. We have record numbers of women living in poverty. We have young people who no longer believe the American dream applies to them. We have working families whose wages have stagnated for decades. All while the rich get richer, the powerful get more powerful, the wealthy and the well-connected get more well-connected. Citizens, it is time to take our country back.
That impassioned response only further shows just how unnecessary Fiorina's insults are in the face of pressing issues like foreign policy and the economy. With mere weeks to go until the Iowa caucus, Fiorina could do better to lay out her policies rather than attempt to drag down candidates for the sake of a sound bite.