
The Job You Have To Read About to Believe

by Emma Cueto

When was the last time you saw a job advertised as "Do you want to consume cannabis for a living?" Well, if you answer yes to that question and you live in Colorado (or just want to), then today is your lucky day. The company Open Vape (also called O.pen Vape), which sells marijuana vaporizer pens, is hiring a cannabis quality control specialist. Though the job description does call for a few legitimate qualifications ("looking for smart, forward-thinking problem solvers,") it also promises that whoever fills this job "will be consuming and evaluating the highest quality cannabis products in the world." So rejoice, stoners everywhere! Your years of smoking pot are now not just drug use experience, but job experience.

The best part is that applicants should apply with a resume and a link to a video that will essentially serve as a cover letter. So basically, you don't apply to this job so much as you audition. And the company even wants people to share these videos with their friends. And maybe the rest of us, pretty please?

Unfortunately, we may not be able to fully enjoy these videos until Open Vape has narrowed their list down to 20 finalists, at which point they may publicize the finalists' videos. So far, the videos don't appear to be posted publicly, at least not on YouTube. Open Vape does say they have already received over 1,000 submissions in just a few days, though, so heaven only knows how many there'll be by the application deadline of March 1st.

This may be the fiercest competition stoners have ever engaged in — though it should be noted that the company isn't looking for a typical stoner — they really do need someone who can provide "accurate, objective observations" about the product. But the company will be providing munchies, because office setting or not, it's still pot. They will also offer to transport the quality control specialist to and from the office because no one wants someone whose job is to get high all day to drive home.

You can keep track of Open Vape and their job search by following them on Twitter, and if you're 21 or above and the sort of person who can identify strains of pot blindfolded, then you should also check out the full job listing. And then maybe show your parents and throw in an "I told you so." Because as Open Vape themselves say, "And your mom said you wouldn’t amount to anything if you tried cannabis."