How Much Does The New Barbie Cost?

The news of the revamped 2016 Barbie Fashionistas and their more diverse body types and skin tones has basically made my day. This is just about the biggest change Mattel has made to the iconic doll in 57 years, and it's definitely a step in the right direction. But how much do the new Barbie Fashionistas cost? They're quite affordable, so hopefully this will make size inclusivity and diversity more of a reality for young children.
According to Fashionista, the new Barbies will be sold for $9.99. The line is currently available for pre-order on the Mattel website, to be shipped out on Feb. 3. You'll be happy to learn that the new, updated Barbie is being sold for the same price as the other models. Hooray for affordability!
Barbies have always been pretty affordable compared to other dolls (American Girl Dolls are upwards of $100), which could also point to why 92 percent of girls aged 3-12 have owned one as TIME Magazine points out. There's no doubt Barbie will continue to be a big player in the toy market for young children, and so it's definitely a good thing that the company is stepping away from a very narrow view of beauty to a wider, more inclusive range of body types and skin tones.
With the introduction of the new body types, Mattel is taking steps towards making Barbie more closely reflective of the children play with her. Using the hashtag #TheDollEvolves, Mattel released an introduction to the Fashionistas line on its Barbie webpage so you can check out how these 29 unique dolls came to be.
Although this is a big deal, it's far from perfect. The new dolls represent more body diversity, but they still categorize women into only four different body types. However, it's about time Barbie got a size-inclusive update, and I couldn't be more excited. Hopefully even more diverse bodies and unique characteristics will be added to the Barbie Fashionista range soon!
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Images: Courtesy of Mattel