'Gilmore Girls' Revival Isn't News To Some

This is basically the best Friday ever, considering it happens to be the day Netflix confirmed the Gilmore Girls revival as well as the fact that six of the original cast members are returning for it. Given that the series was one of the most beloved of the early 2000s, this was basically music to everyone's ears, including my own. But while it's good to have official recognition that this is indeed happening (because seriously, there's nothing worse than getting your hopes up, only to have them dashed when things don't come to fruition), it turns out we could have been celebrating this news way earlier, since Scott Patterson basically confirmed the Gilmore Girls reunion on Twitter earlier this week and none of us noticed.
So, what exactly happened? Peterson — who you'll obviously remember as Luke Danes — posted a photograph of himself with Gilmore Girls creator and executive producers Amy Sherman-Palladino as a happy birthday message. Sure, the two could have been old friends who were simply catching up for a special occasion, but that's clearly not what this was. The reunion is on, and Patterson and Sherman-Palladino being in the same place is basically all the prompting I need to start getting way too excited.
Of course, there's not much you can infer from a simple Twitter photo, especially one that's pretty grainy and in which the setting can't even be determined — Are they on set? In a bar? What's happening here?! — but that hardly matters. While Netflix may have only just confirmed that this thing is going ahead, things have already kicked off on getting this thing off the ground and moving. Actors have signed contracts, set photos have been leaked, and basically, the whole Internet has exploded because this is the best news ever.
It's unclear when the new Gilmore Girls will actually premiere on Netflix, but the knowledge that it's on its way is enough to keep me patient... at least for a little while longer. I suppose we've got enough time to rewatch the original series in the lead up to the new one, right?
Image: The WB