
Now You Can Have Your Spoon And Eat It Too

by Dasha Fayvinova

Have you ever looked at the utensil in your hand and thought about eating it, only to be disappointed at its lack of digestive properties? Well good news everybody: there will soon be an edible spoon maker that will make your utensil-eating dreams come true. Part George Foreman grill and part waffle maker, this little suitcase shaped device will make any meal more fun. Or potentially confuse your parents when they come to visit you in your post-college apartment. Dasha, where are all of your spoons? Don't worry about it Mom, I gotchyou.

From the product website it looks like this is a no-brainer appliance. You will need only one ingredient and the rest is pretty much cut and paste. You wait a few minutes and you have four edible spoons to enjoy at every meal from breakfast to early breakfast the next day. I'm not entirely sure how this could be used for military purposes, but I feel like it will be. Also, anything that requires little to no setting up and is really a one step process is something I am willing to invest it.

According to their website, "the Edible Spoon Maker is the only one spoon maker you can found today". That is a direct quote. Do we have any idea when this thing is coming out? In short: not yet. But I don't want to live in a world where I am constantly doubting the existence of kitchenware, so let's all cross our fingers for it. Below are some of the features of the Edible Spoon Maker in all of its glory.

You buy the supplies in your local supermarket. Usually in the same place as the cheese and milk products. Find the biscuit dough. Bring it home. Unwrap it on a wooden board that has been floured (or not). Cut out the correct shape using a spoon cookie-cutter. Then go to town!

It will only take you about three minutes to have your very own edible spoon. The last time I had an edible spoon it took me four hours. I had to make reservations at Max Brenner's, travel to the location and then order/wait for the meal. The spoon I ate was entirely made of chocolate, and while it was delicious, having one with onion soup is impractical. Which is why I am so excited about this invention! Now I can eat onion soup AND the spoon I eat onion soup with.

And just in case you don't know the versatility of this product, the creator made this handy infographic. Now you can know exactly what the capabilities of this device are. Personally, I don't see myself eating yogurt with it, but I'm sure that whoever does, will have a wonderful time.

To learn more about the edible spoon maker and keep an eye out for when it will be available, check out the website here.

Images: Edible Spoon Maker