
This 'TVD' Flash Forward Teases Klaus' Future

Anyone else starting to seriously wish that these Vampire Diaries flash forward scenes lasted a whole lot longer than a mere 30 seconds? Honestly, they've become my favorite part of the season — a notion that has only become more prominent now that it involves a potential Klaroline TVD reunion in New Orleans. As we saw from last week's little futuristic glimpse, Caroline was on her way to visit Klaus Mikaelson in the hopes of getting his help, however, when she arrived he's apparently nowhere to be found. That's right, my friends — Klaus is missing in The Vampire Diaries flash forward and evidently has been seen in three years, which begs the question... where the heck is he?

Those who watch The Originals know that the Mikaelsons are currently dealing with a prophecy that foretells the downfall of the Original family. Could this three year sneak peek into the future be hinting at how that storyline eventually turns out? I can't imagine that Klaus is dead. That man has always and will forever be considered indestructible in my mind. However, that doesn't mean that he won't end up being in trouble. The way I see it is that either a.) he's in hiding and trying to make a plan of what to do next, or b.) he's been kidnapped and is in serious need of a rescue. And now that Caroline has now been made aware of his mysterious absence, she would make the perfect candidate for the job. (Could this indicate more crossover potential in the future?)

I can't deny that I kind of love the idea of Caroline coming to Klaus' rescue rather than the other way around. As that phone call between the two of them proved, they still share a deep connection, regardless of how much time has gone by. And as much as Caroline tries to deny it, she has feelings for him. If she knew he was in trouble, she would find a way to help him. So let's hope she's able to track him down in these flash forwards. Because if their chemistry was that good with just being on the phone, imagine what it will be like when they're able to see each other in person again. (*swoons*)

Image: Annette Brown/The CW