
Neil deGrasse Tyson Hints At His Presidential Pick

by April Siese

Early in the evening on Super Tuesday, Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders took the stage in Vermont to celebrate his first victory of the evening. The Vermont senator saw massive support in the state he's been representing for decades. Following an inspired speech, Sanders then headed to a different stage to sing a rendition of "This Land Is Your Land" with a live band. In an election cycle that has been anything but predictable, the song might be considered a bit of a win as well. Even bigger news was emerging on Twitter, however, where a high-profile superstar appeared to #FeelTheBern himself on Tuesday. Did Neil deGrasse Tyson just endorse Bernie Sanders? His tweet certainly appears to indicate as much.

Tyson didn't mention Sanders by name but the description "Jewish New Yorker from Vermont" is only applicable to the candidate. Likewise, his subtle digs at GOP frontrunner Donald Trump could not be ignored. Walls refers to Trump's consistent promise to make a physical divide between America and our neighbors to the south while his startling endorsement of reinstating techniques like waterboarding is also touched upon. Long before the Donald entered the political race, his name had been synonymous with wealth. The criticism from Tyson — that Jesus would vote for Sanders over Trump — certainly says a lot.

The tweet marks the first time that Tyson had even mentioned Sanders or appeared to endorse a candidate over the course of this election season. Perhaps he was taking a page from Sanders himself and getting involved in politics despite having been relatively quiet on the subject. During a Super Tuesday speech, the Vermont senator stated that his campaign was about unifying the American public, including those who are less politically minded. Sanders said:

This campaign is not just about electing a president, it was about making a political revolution. And what that revolution is about is bringing millions and millions of people into the political process — working people who have been so disillusioned that they no longer vote, young people that have never been involved. What our political revolution is about is bringing people together.

Sanders can now include astrophysicists to that list of folks apparently signed up for his political revolution. It's almost unsurprising that Tyson would lend his support to a candidate who's seen such a meteoric rise. According to Sanders, he was polling at just 3 percent 10 months ago. Having an out of this world Neil deGrasse Tyson endorsement may be exactly what it takes for his campaign to fully take flight.