
Proof You Should Rewatch 'Romy And Michele'

by Mary Grace Garis

Though I didn't expect it before I watched it, I truly only have snaps for the so-bad-it's-amazing film Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that when news circulated in early March 2016 that there's a Romy and Michele musical set to premiere in Seattle on June 8, I got next-level stoked. See, Romy and Michele should be celebrated for their outrageousness every day, because no matter how much they try to cover it up in business suits, they really do live an adventurous lives.

But let me backtrack on the plot in case you need a bit more context. Romy and Michele are two best friends living it up in LA who realize, via a disgruntled classmate, that their 10-year high school reunion is coming up. Even though they’ve had a pretty great time dancing and designing over the last decade, they don’t really feel accomplished enough... and why even go to a reunion if they can’t impress anyone, you know? Luckily the girls just decide to pretend to be fancy, as the glamorous inventors of Post-It notes (because who would fact check that, of course). Along the way, though, they get into a fight, and decide to navigate the reunion separately. Will they two repair their friendship before the nights end?

I mean, you probably know how it ends, even if you don’t know the film. So, for your consideration, here is definitive proof of every ridiculously glamorous thing in the movie that makes Romy and Michele utterly fabulous.

1. Being Grown Women Who Share A Room

You may think it reads too "college dorm" (ooh, college, good one!) but it's an ideal situation for making fun of Pretty Woman for the 36th time.

2. Wearing A Full Face Of Make-Up While In Bed

Romy especially gets points for her questionable Something About Mary bangs, but check out Michele's eyeshadow game!

3. Inventing A Fat-Free Diet Where You Eat Only Gummy Bears, Jelly Beans, And Candy Corn

Damn, girl, no wonder you look so good.

4. Coats Made Out Of Plastic

Especially the powder blue faux-fur lined ones.

5. Doubling Up On A School Photo And Both Kinda Looking Members Of Dead Or Alive

The '80s were rough on everyone.

6. Walking Down The Street While Reading Your High School Yearbook

Multi-tasking never looked this good.

7. Going To School With 40-Year-Old Classmates Who Happen To Wear Braces

Like, it makes things easy on you, even if you're the scoliosis girl.

8. Dreams About The School Football Player Falling In Love With You Coming True, Except For The Part Where He Was In A Wheelchair

Also looking so good with blonde hair and black roots that it's not even funny.

9. Slow-Dancing With Your Best Friend Dressed As Two Madonnas

Truly iconic.

10. Being Blissfully Ignorant For A Decade About The Fact That Your Life Is Kind Of A Mess, Idk

You actually have to be pretty happy to only realize it through a high school reunion questionnaire.

11. Wearing Whatever These Are To The Gym

OK, but honestly, that sea green ensemble is the perfect compliment to the anchor shirt. It's nautical yet so subtle.

12. Deflecting A Man's Advances By Saying, "Would You Excuse Me? I Cut My Foot Before And Now My Shoe Is Filling Up With Blood."

Leave them wanting more.

13. Being Able To Walk Into Barney's And Saying, "My First Choice Was To Work On A Boutique On Rodeo Drive, But This Would Be OK."

Nailed it.

14. Wearing 16 Pound Heels On The Treadmill

I wonder what it's like to do SoulCycle in those.

15. Also, These Beautiful Holographic Gym Outfits

I want to collect them all.

16. Junk Food Parties With The Cat You Joint-Own With Your Roommate

Of course they own a cat together...

17. This Face

Ten million Oscars to Lisa Kudrow for this expression alone.

18. Professional Business Woman Suits That Look Like Sexy Secretary Costumes

The beehive hair-dos are really what keeps the whole image classy, tho.

19. Having Arguments In The Middle Of The Desert With Your BFF About Who's The Mary And Who's The Rhoda

Girls, girls, you're both pretty.

20. Telling Off The Popular Girls At School So Hard That Cloud Hair Can't Even Handle It

She is incredulous.

21. When The Associate Fashion Editor At Vogue Declares Your Outfits Are Decidedly "Not Bad" In Front Of The Whole Class

Which is totally validating, even though you two already knew how fly you look.

22. This Entire Stunning Interpretative Dance

Really a masterpiece from top to bottom.

23. When The Evil Jock You Had A Crush On In High School Is A Grade A Failure (Grade F Failure?)

I call that justice.

24. Going Home In A Helicopter Flown By A The Gazillionaire That's In Love With You/Your Best Friend (Depending On Whether You're The Romy Or The Michelle)

And then flying majestically above the peasants.

25. Being Able To Give Someone Like Heather Mooney The Ability To Express Herself Through Fashion

It's like, a gift.

26. Running Your Own Boutique With Your Best Friend

Which is going so successfully that maybe one day you'll be able to afford separate rooms. One day...

Who's up for a rewatch right about now?

Images: Buena Vista Pictures (36)