
Utah Gov Declares Porn A "Public Health Crisis"

In some of the most bizarre news you’re likely to read all week, the governor of Utah as declared porn a “public health crisis.” During a press conference on Tuesday, Governor Gary Herbert said he realizes this is a “bold assertion” on his part and that many won’t agree, but “it is, in fact, the full-fledged truth.” Of all the things that one could deem a public health crisis, this guy is pointing fingers at pornography. But why?

Well, for starters, kids as young as 12 are getting their hands on porn at restaurants with free Wi-Fi. Then these same kids are also able to tap into porn collections at the public library, again thanks to unprotected Wi-Fi. So Herbert is hoping in declaring porn a public health crisis, “businesses and governmental agencies that cater to children [will] do the right thing.”

While Utah Senator Todd Weiler is adamant that they’re not banning anything, they do want citizens to be aware of just how much porn will play a part in society’s eventual downfall. We already knew it was a sign of the end of days when someone let it slip that women have been watching porn, so the politicians really need to get ahead of this thing stat. Weiler and Herbert are hoping that with this knowledge, people will make the correct decision for their life and stay away from porn all together. (Although studies have found that watching porn might actually be good for you, but I guess the guys out in Utah didn’t get that memo.)

As is the case whenever anything absurd comes to light, Twitter had some interesting takes on the matter.

Sounds Like We Might Have Some Hypocrisy On Our Hands

But Maybe It Really Is A Health Hazard?

Others Think Herbert And Pals Might Be A Bit Confused

But In The End, We Know Who Is Likely To Win This Debacle...

Images: Fotolia; Twitter