Reading the right poem can heal you when you're hurt. That's why it's so important to find the right poems to read when you're going through a divorce, because every split, no matter how amicable, is a rough ride.
Two of my friends endured their first breakups while I was going through the divorce process. Both of them asked me, "Is this what divorce feels like?" My answer remains the same: kind of.
Look, in any kind of breakup — whether you're losing a friend or ending a marriage — there's a certain degree of mournfulness. You're allowed to grieve, even if you're the one who dumped your partner. Of course, you can also celebrate, even if you're the one who got served. Divorce is funny like that.
Now, as divorces go, mine was pretty straightforward. It was my idea to end the marriage. There were no custody hearings, real estate to sell, or Beanie Babies to sort. That doesn't mean it was a stress-free process, however. I cried. A lot. I yelled. I called lawyers and did research and was far, far more prepared than I needed to be, in the end.
I won't tell you that your divorce is going to be easy-peasy, because, hey, most things aren't. In anticipation of the gloomy days, bookmark these poems to read when you're going through a divorce, and break them out when you need the strength to carry on.
1. "Daddy" by Sylvia Plath
2. "One Art" by Elizabeth Bishop
3. "for women who are difficult to love" by Warsan Shire
4. "Why should a foolish marriage vow" by John Dryden
5. "But Not Forgotten" by Dorothy Parker
6. "Our revels now are ended" from The Tempest by William Shakespeare
7. "34 Excuses for Why We Failed at Love" by Warsan Shire
8. "When We Two Parted" by Lord Byron
9. "After Love" by Sara Teasdale
10. "the unbearable weight of staying — (the end of the relationship)" by Warsan Shire
11. "Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou
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