11 Fashionable '90s Bedrooms From TV & Movies

The '90s were a magical time: the snacks were better, the fashion was on point, the lingo was the coolest, and '90s bedrooms were the ultimate point of jealousy. Set aside the coolest outfits and accessories from tv shows and movies—the bedrooms are where it's at. Cool band posters, pretty sheets, lava lamps, escape ladders, and butterfly chairs were all fair game, and I wanted them all.
From Cher Horowitz, to Clarissa, to Sabrina, to the Tanners', '90s bedrooms were the absolute coolest, even to this day. Even my friends' bedrooms from school were so cool! I had a friend with the clear phone on a private line. A private line! My parents would never allow that. And every single time it rang, it would light up. That was definitely the single coolest piece of technology back in the day.
My sisters and I shared a bedroom and tried our best to decorate it. Mickey and Mini Mouse sheets, a green lava lamp, and little star and alien glow in the dark stickers lived on our walls and ceilings. But no matter what we did, our bedrooms never looked like Clarissa's. I mean, she had a pet alligator! In a mini pool with sand! What could be cooler than that? Nothing, the answer is nothing.
And while I'm a full-fledged adult (read: 25 year old baby), I still dream of those super cool bedrooms. These are the rooms that are going to give you major nostalgia and envy, for both their wardrobes and cool furniture.
1. Clarissa
AND she had a ladder where her best friend Sam would come in the window.
2. Cher Horowitz
This closet was everything.
3. Cruel Intentions
The gold, the blue, the draping...Perfection.
4. The Girls' Bedroom
This was the cutest bedroom.
5. Kat's Bedroom
In 10 Things I Hate About You, Kat nailed the grunge look, and her bedroom matched, too.
5. Bianca's Bedroom
And Bianca's bedroom was the opposite, but so cute! Totally matched her aesthetic.
6. Sabrina's Bedroom
Loved the purple walls.
7. Monica's Bedroom
But mostly for the company :). Monica's room had gorgeous sheets and antique decor, though, which I loved.
8. Romy And Michelle's Bedroom
Exposed brick! I'm obsessed. Also, check out those shiny sheets.
9. Hey Arnold's Bedroom
This was hands down the coolest bedroom from this decade. That rug! That wallpaper! Hipsters love those prints today.
9. Daria's Bedroom
Angsty and simple, just like her wardrobe. Check out that Kafka poster.
10. Carrie Bradshaw's Bedroom
Carrie's bedroom was one of my favorites on the show. It was comfy and classic, and totally the opposite of her sense of style.
10. Buffy's Bedroom
I always loved the way she displayed those hats—and those hats in general!
10. Pretty Woman
Ok, it wasn't her bedroom, but it kinda was. Regardless—staying in this gorgeous hotel would be a dream.
11. Dawson's Creek
Collages were the thing in the '90s, and I probably ripped off so much paint from hanging them up in my bedroom.
Would it be wrong for me to redecorate my place right now? With Cher's amazing closet, Arnold's Skylight, and Clarissa's escape ladder, you've got the perfect bedroom. For now, I guess I can just dream about them!
Images: Nickelodeon, Paramount Television, Columbia Pictures, ABC, Touchstone Pictures, NBC, MTV, HBO, The WB, Silver Screen Partners