
Josh's Proposals To Amanda & Andi Were Similar

by Lindsay Denninger

Josh Murray and Amanda Stanton got engaged on Bachelor In Paradise, and they’re so happy! Everyone is so in love! But let’s not forget — this isn’t the first time that Josh has proposed to a woman on national television. He also asked Andi Dorfman to marry him. How does Josh’s proposal to Andi and his proposal to Amanda on Bachelor In Paradise compare?

Josh loves hyperbole, and, when he was asking Amanda to marry him, he was all about the narrative — what it was like on the day that they met and how he felt and how the air smelled and what the wind was like, etc. He likes to paint a picture of his emotions and why he wants to marry that person. He's very thorough. I liked it. When Josh proposed to Andi, it was very similar — an outline of a baseball analogy, his first love, how he transferred that love to Andi, and why he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Josh has spent a lot of time chasing love, and it shows in both of his television proposals. The guy just wants someone to spend his life with, OK? I think the only difference between the two proposals was how sweaty Josh was in Paradise. I would be too, though — I don't do well in humidity.

Looking at these two proposals makes me wonder what Josh's love language is — some people like doing things for their loved ones, some like giving gifts, and others like telling them just how they feel. I suspect that Josh is in the latter camp. He painted a whole picture of courtship and what the future could hold for each woman, making them imagine what could come next in their life together. Hopefully, this is Josh's last marriage proposal.

Images: Rick Rowell/ABC