There are a lot of reasons to go natural. And if you're the sort of person who already dutifully sorts recycling, drinks a green juice every once in a while, and has been seen in or around a boutique fitness studio, overhauling your beauty routine is kind of the obvious next step. We know, we know: It sounds like something you just don't have the time or budget for, no matter how nice it may be. But thanks to new developments in the space, it's easier than you might think to transition to a natural beauty routine.
Here's why: Once upon a time, natural beauty products used to require some kind of sacrifice. You either had to settle for potent formulas that did the trick but were created entirely in a lab, or opt for crunchy (and sometimes ugly) products that didn't even work. But natural beauty has come a long (long, long) way since then. Now, the formulas are as effective as their traditional counterparts, the packaging is cute, and they're easy to find, even if you live in the boonies. So you want to green-ify your beauty regimen? No problem. Even if you're not ready to do a clean sweep of your makeup stash, small moves can still offer big results. So in collaboration with Carmex ® , we're bringing you the simplest ways to make your routine a little more natural. Baby steps, right?
1. Start With Just One Thing
A good way to give up quickly: Embark on a crazy-ambitious mission to rid your entire beauty routine of anything that isn't natural. An easier (and more budget-friendly) plan of attack: Incorporate natural products into your routine, one at a time. Ran out of lip balm? Switch to Carmex Comfort Care ® Natural Lip Balm. It's a moisturizing lip balm that's made out of 100% natural ingredients such as oatmeal, fruit seed oil, and beeswax. Need to stock up on cleanser? Try the natural face wash your friend raves about. Before you know it, everything in your beauty stash will be better for you.
2. Define How Natural You Want to Go
"Natural" means different things to different people—which is part of the reason why shopping for natural products can get overwhelming. For some, natural might mean nothing less than 100% organic. For your sister, it could be earth-friendly and sustainable. For your BFF, it may translate to plant-based products that aren't tested on animals. Whatever natural means to you—whether it's free of sulfates (the harsh cleansing agents often found in shampoos and face washes) or overflowing with botanical ingredients—it helps to narrow your own definition down before you start shopping.
3. Read The Ingredient List
Natural formulas are steadily gaining popularity. Some beauty brands have noticed—and could be trying to fool you. So do your homework before you check out. If you're not sure if a beauty product is legit natural or not, take a look at the ingredient list. Do you recognize most of them? Can you pronounce them on the first try? If so, chances are that it's on the natural end of the spectrum. It also helps to school yourself in what to avoid, too.
4. Figure Out Where To Shop
Some retailers take the guesswork out of buying natural beauty products by guaranteeing that everything they carry is natural in some sense of the word, so do your homework and see if there's a store in your town. But a lot of supermarkets carry natural products as well, so swing by the beauty aisle before you check out to see what they have in stock.
5. Don't Overlook Certain Beauty Categories
The natural movement has expanded into multiple areas of your vanity. And while skincare and cosmetics might seem like the most obvious places to start, there are more natural options for body-care and fragrances, too. So why stop at your neck? If you're obsessed with that jasmine scent and it happens to be naturally-derived, it's a win-win—for your skin and probably the planet.