Rejoice, fellow shameless pack rats and junk hoarders, for now is your time in the sun: Facebook is introducing Facebook Marketplace, allowing users to buy and sell personal items on the platform. And the best part is, learning how to sell items on Facebook Marketplace is about as simple as taking a few pictures of the item in question and posting them online. Time to turn all those beanie babies into cold, hard cash, y'all.
To access Facebook Marketplace, which officially launches on Oct. 3, hit the shop icon at the bottom of the Facebook app. From there, you'll be taken to the Facebook Marketplace set for the area that you live in, displaying items that sellers have posted within a certain radius of where you are or whichever city you set it. Sellers can post a variety of items, including electronics, furniture, and apparel, each with a price, a description, and an approximate location for the ease of buyers. It is very similar to Craigslist, but with a very important caveat — users can see each other's Facebook profiles, adding some security to the exchange by providing some basic details about buyers and sellers.
If you too are looking to get rid of all your old High School Musical paraphernalia once and for all, here's how you can go about posting something to sell.
Take Pictures Of The Item
Get some Instagram-esque light and snap a few pics of the item at different angles, so prospective buyers know it's legit.
Open Facebook Marketplace
You can open Facebook Marketplace by hitting the "shop" icon at the bottom of your Facebook app. Once you're there, you'll see the items for sale near you, as well as a prompt to sell items at the top of the page.
Enter A Product Name, Description, And Price
Make sure to be extra thorough, because buyers looking for something specific are going to be search keywords like color, item type, and condition.
Confirm Your Location And Select A Category
This will help users using a refined search find your item more easily, and ensure that you're not trekking off to Antarctica to sell that regrettable fedora collection from 2005.
Post The Item On Facebook Marketplace
Once you have all your details set, you can post it to the Marketplace, easy as that. Prospective buyers will be able to message you through Messenger to make offers or ask questions about the item. Muck like Craigslist, buyers and sellers are responsible for facilitating the sale of the item, so the Messenger aspect is where users can decide on a final price and how the money and the item will be exchanged.
Facebook starts its official rollout of Facebook Marketplace to users over the age of 18 on Oct. 3 in the US, the UK, New Zealand, and Australia. So go forth, sell, and give the world the gift of your USED SWAG.
Images: Courtesy of Facebook