
Trump's Hot Mic May Turn This Ruby Red State Blue

by Bronwyn Isaac

Following the publication of a 2005 Access Hollywood recording of Donald Trump chatting with Billy Bush about making advances toward women against their will and grabbing their genitals without their consent, an Alabama newspaper group has endorsed Hillary Clinton. In the decision to reverse more than three decades of Republican endorsements, Trump's hot mic tape appeared to be the straw that broke the camel's back. The editorial board for the written news section of — a conglomerate which runs three main Alabama newspapers: The Huntsville Times, The Birmingham News, and The Mobile Register — posted the Clinton endorsement on Sunday morning before the second presidential debate and just two days after Trump's sexually explicit tape leaked.

The statement from the editorial staff at very clearly placed itself opposite Trump, leading with the line, "Donald Trump must not be president," before going on to explain that the content of Trump's 2005 tape was the nail in the coffin for its possible support of Trump. In case you somehow missed the bombshell, Trump was caught bragging about how, "When you’re a star, they [women] let you do anything," and how he likes to "grab them by the pussy."

The Alabama newspaper group wasn't alone in their decision to distance themselves from Trump following the release of the tape. The endorsement of Clinton took care to mention the growing list of Republicans denouncing Trump. Yet the endorsement also explained that while Alabama has historically leaned Republican since the election of Ronald Reagan, the combination of Trump's disrespect toward minorities and his financial policies render him "contrary to values that Christians hold dear."

As detailed on the website, the Alabama newspaper group's Clinton endorsement echoes the feelings of many Republicans who have turned against Trump in the last week:

Donald Trump offers a deeply cynical view of an America in ruin, an America that seems to exist only in his own dangerous mind. Even before the revelation of video evidence of Trump making lewd, demeaning comments advocating sexual advances on women against their will, we knew that he was unfit to lead this country. We unite with people across this nation — people of all parties, including an increasing number of Republicans — to reject the pessimism of his candidacy.

The Alabama newspapers are not the only ones taking an unprecedented stand against Trump. Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley officially withdrew his support for Trump due to what the Republican presidential nominee said about women in the video. Mitt Romney beat Barack Obama in ruby red Alabama by a whopping 22 points in 2012, but my hunch is Trump won't be able to snag such a big win— and maybe, if the tide keeps turning, even a tight one will be out of reach