Are you an unabashed super fan of a certain athlete/actor/musician? If so, what's the weirdest thing you've ever done to get their attention? In a new WoodRocket video on porn stars' fans, adult entertainers reveal the extreme lengths some avid admirers have gone to in their names.
I'm embarrassed to admit it, but as a teen I was a mega fan girl of a few musicians who shall remain nameless. I once waited hours outside of a tour bus in the snow to meet them, and when I did, went completely speechless and asked them to sign my chest (not my boobs) because I was too shy to go that far. Although I thought I was sexually obsessed with these dudes, when put on the spot, it turns out I just really loved their music and didn't want to strip down for strangers.
Other super fans, however, don't let nerves stop them. After all, the porn star fan base tends to be a bit more, um, excitable than your average non-porn performer's fan base. Maybe it's something about being the subject of masturbation-fueled fantasies that cements the relationship between fan and idol. Whatever it is, things can definitely get intense.
Here are five crazy ways super fans have expressed their devotion to their favorite porn stars:
1. Sending A Box Of Pears — Cindy Starfall
Cindy Starfall's admirer once sent a box of pears to her house in the hopes she'd go out on a date with him. Needless to say, she did not eat the fruit.
2. Non-Consensual Belly Button Licking — Jenna J. Ross
Note to all super fans: Do not scurry up to your favorite porn star and lick their belly button without asking.
3. Penis Decapitation Request — Nickey Huntsman
One of the more unique requests, Nickey Huntsman received a dick pic on Instagram by a fan, who asked if she would chop off his penis for a cool $1,000.
4. Tried To Move In — August Ames
After emailing her every day and proclaiming that they were meant to be together, August Ames' super fan started sending her clothing and kitchen appliances because he was said that he was getting ready to move in with her.
5. Sent Ambivalent Love Letter — Kylie Kalvetti
One of Kylie Kalvetti's oddest fan emails started out warning her of her impending demise, but then did a complete 180 and asked for an X-rated pic.
Images: WoodRocket/YouTube