
#DebateNight Memes Are Preparing For The Worst

by April Siese

Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton faced off in their final matchup on Wednesday at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas for the last debate of the 2016 election. Amidst Trump's rapid-cycling leaked audio scandals and the Clinton campaign being rocked by Wikileaks' ongoing Podesta Emails dump, all viewers could think about was one key thing: how to laugh their way through the evening on social media. The most relatable last presidential debate memes were overflowing with gallows humor and the collective guffaw of disbelief in making it through 12 GOP debates, nine Democratic debates, one weird as hell VP debate, and three presidential debates.

Given the bizarre trajectory of the Clinton-Trump match-ups, it's hard not to come up with some seriously sardonic memes. Trump's sniffle usurped one-time presidential hopeful Ben Carson's cough as most distracting debate bodily function, itself a meme from the halcyon era of the Donald doling out childish nicknames to his opponents. Clinton's meme-worthiness have come straight from her non-verbals. From the shimmy to the side-eye, the former Secretary of State is letting her body language tell quite the story of being fed up by Trump's antics on the national stage. And she's not alone in her sentiment.

Some Viewers Were Over It Before The Debate Even Started

Meanwhile The Candidates Were Preparing

To Finish Things Once And For All

The UNLV Stage Was Prepped If All Hell Broke Loose

For One Final Debate

Eric Trump Wore His Debate Best

And So Did The Donald, Who Was Conjured To The Stage

Some Viewers Just Couldn't Handle It

Those Who Kept Watching Were In For A Shock

Clinton's Remarks Drew Cheers

While Trump's Nonsense Got The Serious Meme Treatment

The Candidates Also Got A Bit Rowdy

And Chris Wallace Wasn't Having It

Some Things Never Change, "Bigly" Or Otherwise

But Maybe They Can? Check Out This Hidden Message

Poor Putin Got No Love From Trump

Neither Did The "Bad Ombres"

And Ultimately Trump Boiled Over

While Clinton Had Other Things On Her Mind

Over the course of the debate, Trump indicated that he wouldn't concede losing to Clinton and continued to call the validity of the election into question. This may be the last presidential debate but it's certainly not the last you'll hear of candidates trading barbs until the polls close on November 8th and ballots are counted. Stay strong, voting public. Though you're clearly over the debate cycle, this election cycle is far from over. At least that means more memes.

Photos: Getty (1), Bustle (3)