
He Didn't Sleep With Lindsay!

by Mallory Schlossberg

For a man who's done everything, here's one thing (or person, rather) he hasn't done! James Franco has not slept with Lindsay Lohan. Despite the fact that he appeared on the list of folks she has had sex with, he's swearing that it isn't true. Should we expect an op-ed in the New York Times about this?

Though we may or may not be subject to some more of Franco's editorializing (oh please!), we can expect some poetry! Franco spoke to Los Angeles magazine about his upcoming poetry book, Directing Herbert White, because he's James Franco and writes poetry (why else?). This book of poems recounts his memories in Hollywood and his interactions with some celebrities — including LiLo herself. In fact, there are a couple of poems about Ms. Lohan in the collection, according to Franco. Can't you hear it already? You wrote a poem about her... and didn't sleep with her!? Doesn't that make her your muse?!!?

Regardless, don't expect to hear anything negative about Lohan, or about anyone, for that matter. Franco attested to the fact he kept everybody he wrote about (including LiLo) lookin' good, and that he "didn't write anything bad about them."

And what about Lohan, specifically — like regarding the rumored fornicatin'?

And Lindsay herself has told lies about me with her people-she's-slept-with list! So I feel like what I said is much less than what she's said.

Besides, guys, he doesn't want to talk or wax philosophical about LiLo — he wants to talk about his poetry, which hopefully, for Franco's sake, will fare better than his critically panned book of stories, Palo Alto .

Still, fingers are crossed for some dirt — or some dirt espoused in pedantic, poetic language — on LiLo.