19 Final Thoughts On The Never-Ending Election
Election Day is finally here — and after what seemed like a never-ending campaign, it's time to go cast your vote (if you haven't already). Then all that's left for you to do is sit back and see who wins. Well that may be harder to do than it sounds because you're anxious — and we all are. Tick tock, tick tock. The clock is going to pass slowly today. So while you wait to know who the next president will be, read these 19 final thoughts on the election, because surely you can relate to what these folks are thinking.
Since you're probably not going to meditate for the next 12 plus hours, this can be a cathartic exercise — much easier on your stress levels than constantly updating FiveThirtyEight (as of this morning Clinton still had just over a 70 percent chance of winning). And if these tweets aren't enough to get you through, maybe they will get you online, or on the phone, or knocking on doors. Because the one thing that's better than Twitter on an election day is carrying the race to the finish line, pushing your candidate to victory. So read this, and then consider getting your friends, family, and neighbors to the ballot box.
1) Holy Crap It's Here
It seems more than a bit surreal.
2) And Then You're Waiting In Line At 6 a.m. Before Going Into Work
That also is a great way to boost voter turnout.
3) Who Doesn't Want A Sticker?
Stickers I can believe in.
4) Hopefully Florida Bought Some Extra Ones
The early vote there is already higher than the total 2000 turnout. Hopefully that's good news.
5) Because The Choice Is Huge
But not difficult to make.
6) Think About The Effect It Will Have
And not just on yourself.
7) People Around The World Have Been Following Too
Because U.S. foreign policy will matter.
8) It's Already Been Difficult For Everybody
The apologies will continue.
9) And Ummm... This Isn't Helping
Did the dictionary just troll us all?
10) Snapchat At Least Has The Right Idea
Some snaps to go vote, sounds like a plan.
11) Snaps Because Not Emails
Emails, emails, emails all campaign season. And yet nothing on the taxes.
12) Wishful Thinking Hasn't Worked So Far
Maybe you're not opposed to this, but there's no getting around waiting for the results, just like every year.
13) What Is Good For America May Be Bad For Twitter
The social network is already having a rough go of it. They already laid off staff.
14) But Better Silicon Valley References Than Hollywood
Some things are too true to be funny.
15) Above All Today Remember Your To-Do List
There's no do-overs tomorrow. Vote, and make it count.
16) And If This Is Your First Time Voting, Hats Off To You
You're helping to make history in America.
17) There's Also The Behind-The-Scenes Help In These Campaigns
They've been talking to voters since summer — and they really need this thing to end. So send them a thankful holler.
18) But The Important Thing Is That It's Over
Let every soul rejoice because this was too long — and too crazy.
19) And We Can All Drink To That
But hopefully we don't need to.
America, tweet all you want, but go vote first. Only you can decide the future of the country. No hash tag comes close.