
Emma Watson's Election Response Is So Hermione

by Allyson Koerner

Hope may not be something you believe in or feel like you can grasp onto at this very moment, but maybe this will help you. On Twitter Wednesday, Emma Watson reacted to the 2016 election and her response is something that will resonate with Harry Potter fans. She tweeted, "Today I am going to deliver Maya Angelou books to the New York subway. Then I am going to fight even harder for all the things I believe in." Leave it to Watson to not only slay with her powerful response, but to also tweet something that Hermione Granger would also absolutely post. Ever since bringing Hermione to life in the Harry Potter films, Watson has been providing hope to others and it's something the actor continues to do to this very day.

Even J.K. Rowling recognizes it. "As I told you a couple of hours ago: I love you xxx," the Harry Potter author replied to the Beauty and the Beast star. Ditto, Rowling. Ditto.

I can't help but admire Watson for taking the time to deliver books to the New York subway. This isn't the first time the 26-year-old has done it, either. In early November, she left copies of Angelou's memoir Mom & Me & Mom in London's tube for people to find, read, and then leave on the tube for someone else to enjoy. The memoir (and Angelou's final piece of work published before she died in 2013 at 85) is the latest selection for Watson's book club, Our Shared Shelf.

Angelou's work is clearly something Watson wants everyone to experience, especially since it is a piece about hope. The memoir focuses on her mother, Vivian Baxter, and their relationship after Baxter abandoned Angelou as a child. As Watson shared on Good Reads in October, it's the type of book where "we discover not just how [Baxter] had a hand in Angelou’s evolution as a black woman but also in her feminist perspective, her independence and self-awareness, all of which contributed to her unique way of looking at the world and the way she expressed herself on the page."

See? All about giving hope. Maybe the beloved author will be able to help those completely shocked by Donald Trump being elected over Hillary Clinton? Her words just might be the hope they've been looking for and need at this moment in their lives.

If not, then there's no doubt Watson can offer up hope through the fight she is ready to take on in creating a more equal, loving, compassionate, and respectful world. It's something she's been doing as a United Nations Global Ambassador and through the HeForShe campaign. She isn't one to sit back and wait for something happen she doesn't agree with to happen, which includes whatever is to come from the 2016 election.

That sure sounds like Hermione, doesn't it? In both the books and films, she never gave up, fought for her beliefs, herself, and her loved ones. Not to mention, she stepped up to the plate to defeat Voldemort once and for all. She put herself on the front lines and did what was right for the good of the peolpe and the world. Hermione will forever be a hero in fans' eyes — just like her acting counterpart.