Pimento Is Back On 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' — VIDEO

If you thought things were pretty intense between Rosa and Adrian Pimento before he went into hiding, just wait until you see the all-new episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine airing this Tuesday, Nov. 15. Yes, that means Jason Mantzoukas' Pimento has returned to the Nine-Nine and to Rosa's side now that crime lord Jimmy Figgis has been captured and locked away. And Pimento and Rosa are wasting no time in taking a walk down the aisle, but will they actually make it there?
Well, the future does not look too bright in the exclusive sneak peek of Tuesday night's episode below. Pimento enlists the help of Jake and Gina to track down his grandmother's ruby earrings, but they quickly realize that finding this essential item will definitely be easier said than done.
Maybe that wouldn't be such a big deal if Pimento didn't get cold feet at the seemingly smallest of monkey wrenches thrown in his wedding plans. Or perhaps all of these bumps on the road to marriage really are the universe's way of telling him and Rosa that they shouldn't wed. As you'll learn from Adrian in the clip, sometimes when you ignore what real signs are trying to tell you, you're "basically asking the universe to stomp on [your] balls."
As you'll see in the above clip, there's little faith in Pimento and Rosa's future to go around. But Jake is still holding out hope, and so am I. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Plus, I don't think I've ever seen two TV characters more made for each other than Rosa and Pimento. They're both eccentric, fierce detectives, and they can barely keep their hands off of each other, even if it makes the entirety of the 99th Precinct (and pretty much every viewer at home) squirm in their seats. If that's not a recipe for a successful marriage, I don't know what is.
Tune in to the new episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine this Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET on FOX to see if Rosa and Pimento end up tying the knot.
Image: John P Fleenor/FOX