21 Accessories To Match Your Patronus

The Discover Your Patronus quiz has been live on Pottermore for months, so by now, you've probably not only completed the test and found out which magical guardian you have, but chances are you've grown pretty attached to it. While you may find yourself having a hard time conjuring up your animal protector, you can still wear an accessories to match your Patronus as a way of showing your pride.
One of the best parts of J.K. Rowling's wonderful wizarding world of Harry Potter is how interactive it has become for fans. We can not only read the books and watch the movies, but we can find out which Hogwarts house we belong in (and what Ilvermorny house we belong in), which wand best suits us, and what our Patronus Charm would look like — that is, if we could actually cast it. But that is what makes the Harry Potter universe so cool, and so unique: even though you can't actually go to Hogwarts, fly a boom, or cast a spell, the stories, the games, and the incredible resources available to you as a fan makes you feel like you can. It makes you feel like you are a part of the story, something you as a Potterhead aren't afraid to show.
Whether you have a rare Patronuses or the same one as a character from the series, there are plenty of ways to show off your love for your magical guardian. Here are 21 accessories to match your Patronus, no matter what animal it is.
1. Dolphin Fin Necklace
Dolphin Fin Necklace, $30, Etsy
Patronus: Dolphin
Keep a symbol of your Patronus close to your heart with this dolphin fin necklace. Simple yet beautiful, it's an elegant way to match your animal guardian.
2. Unicorn Headband
Unicorn Headband, $30, Etsy
Patronus: Unicorn
One of the most enviable of the rare Patronuses, the unicorn is a unique magical creature who deserves a unique matching accessory. For something bold and beautiful, try a unicorn headband, complete with floral accents and a horn of your very own.
3. Teddy Bear Cowl
Teddy Bear Cowl, $38, Etsy
Patronus: Teddy Bear Cowl
For all of the black bears, brown bears, polar bears, or otherwise, a warm and fuzzy accessory is just the thing to match your Patronus. To go along with your furry bear paw gloves, try this cozy teddy bear cowl, an adorable winter accessory perfect for keeping you warm.
4. Owl Ring
Sterling Silver Ring , $24, Amazon
Patronus: Owl
If your Patronus is an owl, you're in luck, because there are so many beautiful accessories that match, like this sterling silver ring. Simple and delicate, it will look beautiful on any witch or wizard's hand.
5. Lucky Horseshoe Bracelet
Lucky Horseshoe Bracelet, $26, Etsy
Patronus: Horse
Just because you have a Patronus protecting you doesn't mean you couldn't use a little good luck every now and then. To match your black stallion, white mare, or other equine-related protector, adorn yourself with a lucky horseshoe bracelet, complete with the birthstone of your choice.
6. Cat Lady Pin
Cat Lady Pin, $10, Etsy
Patronus: Cat
Wear your Patronus pride on your sleeve with the help of a cat lady pin. Adorable and dorky in all the right ways, it's a simple matching accessory perfect for your bag, jacket, hat, or anywhere else.
7. Deer Head
Deer Head Necklace, $42, Etsy
Patronus: Deer
Whether you're a doe, a stag, or a fawn, this deer head necklace is a bold and beautiful way to match your Patronus.
8. Hippogriff Vinyl Bumper Sticker
Vinyl Bumper Sticker, $9, Etsy
Patronus: Hippogriff
Accessories don't just go on your body — they can go on your phone or device, on your car, or somewhere in your home. This cute and clever Hippogriff-themed one, in the form of a vinyl bumper sticker goes great on just about anything, including your laptop.
9. Harry Otter Tote Bag
Tote Bag , $18, Society6
Patronus: Otter
No matter who your spirit animal is, everyone can appreciate a good Harry Potter-related pun, especially one that matches their Patronus. If yours is an otter, this hilariously adorable tote bag is perfect for lugging around all of your spell books.
10. Sparkle Wolf Lapel Pin
Wolf Lapel Pin, $9, Etsy
Patronus: Wolf
The next time you and your Patronus decide to howl at the moon, make sure you have a matching accessory that shines under the night sky, like this wolf lapel pin. It may be small, but it makes a big impression pinned on any outfit.
11. Black Fox Thigh Highs
Thigh Highs , $20, Modcloth
Patronus: Fox
Honor your Patronus while pulling of a foxy look with these adorable and sexy thigh highs. Warm, comfy, and fun, they're a unique accessory every witch can appreciate.
12. Hedgehog Leggings
Hedgehog Leggings , $39, Society6
Patronus: Hedgehog
Not all Patronuses are big and fierce animals — some are cute forest creatures like the hedgehog. Adorable animal protectors deserve matching accessories, like these hedgehog leggings, which just so happen to make comfortable reading pants.
13. Phoenix Scarf
Phoenix Scarf, $29, Etsy
Patronus: Phoenix
By far one of the coolest Patronuses out there, the phoenix is a beautiful and majestic creature. If you want an accessory to match it, you better make sure it fits the same criteria, like this bad ass phoenix scarf whose bright color make a bold statement.
14. Personalized Origami Elephant Necklace
Animal Necklace, $13, Etsy
Patronus: Elephant
The elephant is another Patronus who makes it easy to find an accessory to match. For an original piece, go with an origami animal necklace personalized with your initial. Funky and unique, it will look great with all of your other elephant accessories.
15. White Rabbit Wrist Watch
Patronus: Rabbit or Hare
No matter what type of rabbit or hare your Patronus is, wild, mountain, brown, or otherwise, a watch is a fitting matching accessory. Practical and complimentary, it's the perfect way to represent your spirit guardian.
16. Three Monkeys Necklace
Monkeys Necklace, $13, Etsy
Patronus: Monkey
When your Patronus is a monkey, you need an accessory as fun as the animal itself. This speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil monkeys necklace is just the thing to represent it.
17. Feather Hair Clip
Wooden Feather Hair Clip, $14, Etsy
Patronus: Bird
Whether yours is a snowy owl, a bald eagle, a Heron (like J.K. Rowling) or one of the many other bird Patronuses, this handcrafted wooden feather hair clip will match your Patronus beautifully.
18. Dog Paw Bangle Bracelet
Dog Paw Print Bangle, $17, Etsy
Patronus: Dog
From West Highland Terriers to Chow Dogs to Huskies, there is a variety of adorable canine Patronuses. If you happened to get one, this dog paw print bangle is an adorable option for a matching accessory. Add a hand stamped initial charm, either yours or your actual pet's, and your bracelet is complete.
19. Snake Arm Cuff
Snake Arm Cuff, $18, Etsy
Patronus: Cobra
Whether you're a Slytherin or not, there's a chance you could get a cobra or another type of snake as your Patronus. If you find yourself guarded by a slithering beast, consider getting a snake arm cuff to match. Fun and sexy, it will look great with all of your other snakeskin accessories.
20. Lion Canvas Shoes
Lion Print Canvas Shoes , $44, Amazon
Patronus: Lion
One of the ferocious of the Patronuses, the lion deserves an equally ferocious accessory to match, like these lion print canvas shoes. Functional and fierce, they're worthy of any witch or wizard, especially a Gryffindor.
21. Polar Bear Paw Slippers
Polar Bear Slippers , $17, Amazon
Patronus: Polar Bear
Who says accessories can't be cute and comfortable? These polar bear slippers are the perfect compromise if you're looking for something to match your white furry guardian friend.
Images: (2); (17); Society6 (2);