
Negan's Wives May Face Different Futures On 'TWD'

by Lindsey Kupfer

People who don’t read the comic books might have been surprised to learn that Negan has multiple wives on The Walking Dead in the Dec. 4 episode, "Sing Me a Song." Viewers had already met Sherry in previous episodes, and we knew that she agreed to marry Negan to save the life of her husband, Dwight, after they ran away from the Sanctuary and then returned. Then we met Amber after she hooked up with her ex, Mark, who was burned in the face with an iron as punishment. Though other women were seen around Negan, we don't know much about them, and in The Walking Dead comics, he has even more unnamed wives.

In "Sing Me a Song," Negan brought Carl to meet his wives and said that he thought was no point in following the rules of just marrying one woman in the apocalypse. None of the wives actually want to be with Negan, but it seems like as long as they pretend to like him, they will be safe from harm and kept protected. Still, if you're understandably concerned about what the future might hold for them, here's everything the comics reveal.

Lucille Was Negan's First Wife

Once upon a time, before the apocalypse, Negan had a real wife that he cared about. He cheated on her, but did care for her. In case you didn’t put two and two together, he named his weapon after her when she died.

She Passed Away From Natural Causes

Somehow, in a world riddled with zombies and unnatural murders, Lucille lost her life to cancer.

Sherry Could Become The Saviors’ Leader

It’s never confirmed, but suggested that what remained of The Sanctuary after the war between Negan and the other communities was taken over and run by Sherry.

She Never Goes Back To Dwight

In the comics, after the war ends, Dwight says that Sherry is with someone else now and she’s happier with him.

Amber Runs Away From The Sanctuary

During the battle, one of the Saviors is abandoning the group and Amber, along with her boyfriend Mark, begs to go with him. They escape and make it through the night, but it’s not a happy ending.

A Tough End For Amber

Later on in the comics, Amber is decapitated and her head is kept on a pike for a while. It's a brutal ending, but given what we've already seen on the AMC series, I wouldn't be surprised if it follows this comic storyline. Still, I'm hoping that The Walking Dead will diverge from its source material to give Negan's wives more hopeful futures.

Images: Gene Page/AMC (2); Giphy (4); AMC