'Winter Soldier's Already Poised To Kill

The latest Marvel blockbuster's not even out yet, but it's already doing pretty damn well: Captain America: The Winter Soldier 's ticket pre-sales are breaking records. Somewhere over at Disney someone's feeling mighty smug.
Captain America officially hits theaters tomorrow, but according to The Hollywood Reporter it looks as though the film is about to snag the biggest ever April opening. It already premiered internationally (why you gotta play America like that, box office people?), and it's raked in $100 million and counting. THR credits this and its almost definite upcoming US success on "post-Avengers glow," a great term which I'm now going to attribute all of my good moods to.
The film early success can be seen through ticket service, Fandango. In its fourteen years of existence Fandango's never had an April release sell so well; the closest anyone's ever come is The Fast and the Furious five-quel Fast Five.
Reviews for the film remain solid, as well: It has an 89 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. Meanwhile, Marvel's felt strong enough about the film's reception that it signed off on Captain America 3 weeks ago, retaining the sequel's directors Joe and Anthony Russo. The third film will likely be Evans' last in the role, but until then you can bet Marvel's gonna ride the high.
Image: Marvel