
The World's Most Honest Wedding Invitation

by Amy McCarthy

As someone who never plans on getting married, I tend to stay away from wedding culture. I don’t check out the latest trends in bridal gowns, and I don’t care about the cutesy engagement shoots posted on bridal forums like TheKnot. I do, however, get invited to a lot of weddings for random college friends I barely speak to anymore.

But never have I received an invitation that was as inventive and ballsy as the “honest wedding invitation” posted on Imgur a few days ago. After I saw it, I realized that planning a wedding is much more complicated than I ever thought, but for completely different reasons than I might have expected. Sure, the flowers and catering are important, but it looks like its the wedding guests themselves who are causing much of the angst that we see in our Bridezilla-esque friends. Apparently, a lot of us are being major assholes at other people’s nuptials.

We’ve all seen these people at the various weddings we’ve attended — the guest with too many dietary restrictions, the guy who gets too drunk to function before the first dance, and the frat brother giving an entirely inappropriate toast speech. This hilarious interpretation of a wedding invitation covers all the bases of annoying wedding guests, including those of us who are too lazy to RSVP. Let's remember our wedding etiquette, OK?