It's a sad truth: the more product you add into your hair in attempts to get it looking perfect, the more often you'll be tasked with washing it and risk damaging your mane that keeps you looking so fabulous. Throughout my years, I've tried to avoid most styling products and gels, fearful of getting white, goop-y build-up in my hair. Eventually, the humidity gets to me and I start longing for something that can give my curls a natural boost without slopping chemicals onto my strands. After all, most pricey styling agents have more ingredients than the indestructable Twinkie.
So, aloe vera has become my ultimate summertime hair-saver. Aloe has been used for ages, becoming more popular in 17th century Europe to treat wounds. Easily grown in most climates, the aloe plant stores water in its peculiar spike-shaped leaves, which makes it an awesome natural moisturizer. Regardless of how oily or dry your hair usually feels, I can guarantee you that your locks love water, making aloe an ideal addition to your hair-care regimen.
Rich in protein lectin, amino acids, iron, calcium and potassium, aloe vera has a natural pH level of 4.5-5.5 — and having a neutralized pH level in your scalp enhances cellular regeneration which is key to keeping your locks flowing nice and long. Because aloe is anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial, it also has amazing healing properties that are help restore the scalp to its natural, flake-free condition. As a bonus, aloe is well known as being an anti-cancer agent.
This "plant of mortality" gives astounding results in skin, injuries, cancer, and hair treatment. Aloe is amazing for decreasing fizz (and we need it, because the humidity is a comin'!), improves detangling and exfoliates dead skin cells. If you're looking for a natural product that you can utilize from head to toe — this is it!
Lemon and Aloe Treatment to Prevent Oily Hair
I definitely write a lot about restoring moisture into the scalp and hair follicles but let's not forget about the oily build-up from products, rogue hair-treatments gone wrong, and over-active sebum producers in your scalp. Aloe, when combined with the right partner, can prevent your tresses from appearing oily and limp. Try mixing one part lemon juice to two parts aloe vera together in bowl. Leave this calming potion on your hair for about ten minutes before you shower, then rinse thoroughly when you hop in. You'll start to notice you can go longer in between shampoos.
Coconut and Aloe Conditioner to Promote Hair Growth
Aloe has the ability to get rid of dead skin cells and restore pH levels so, when paired with coconut oil, which also has a ton of healthy elements that support healthy hair, this conditioner will be like a godsend for your strands. Using equal parts liquefied coconut and aloe, mix together to form a mask, then massage onto freshly washed hair and scalp. If you are looking for natural hair growing remedies after radiation and chemotherapy, this has definitely been proven to help, but be sure to speak to your doctor first: aloe contains various vitamin Bs that may not work for everyone's current medical treatment.
Styling Agent
When using aloe as a styling product, you'll get great control over crazy-curly tresses, plus be giving your hair some seriously needed TLC. For best results, get a spray bottle and filled it up with equal portions of aloe juice and water to spritz whenever your strands are looking a little fried. For even more control over fly-aways and frizz, adjust the proportions by adding more aloe until you get your perfect formula. This is a recipe you can play around with based on your hair type and how much protein your locks can tolerate.
About that aloe life? Save some serious dough and ensure you get the highest quality of aloe by growing your own!
Image: Scott Webb/Pexels