Will He Get Naked For 'Playgirl'?

Can't get enough of that new Daario Naharis after that smoldering scene in which Danaerys got him to disrobe? Well, you're not alone. Playgirl wants Game of Thrones' Michiel Huisman to pose for their magazine. Take that, Littlefinger and your brothel. Ladies be gettin' their kicks, too.
Without a doubt, Daario Naharis 2.0 (Michiel Huisman) is decidedly less porny-looking than Fabio, I mean, Daario Naharis 1.0, but the view of his butt cheeks from Episode 7 got the wheels in Playgirl's head turning. Playgirl publisher Vincent Stevens told E! News that:
We saw the episode and we recognized this is a well-known actor who's very, very good-looking [...] But we understand why, in that scene, viewers feel they may have been short-changed by only getting a brief glimpse of his butt. We thought if there was an opportunity to reach out to him, our readers would be interested. I'm a big fan of the show and I get why viewers are attracted to him: he's an actor on the rise, he's smart and he's extremely handsome.
That's right. Some women felt "short-changed" by his butt. They were probably thinking, "we saw that other dude whip it out to urinate and we see breasts flouncing around all the time in Westeros. Daario, show us your package!" (I'm paraphrasing what most women must have thought; I was just shouting at the screen, "GOOO DANY!!")
But don't get too excited — this isn't set in stone yet. They're just working on bringing Daario to the magazine. Stevens said:
It's in the very early stages [...] Right now, we just want to see if this is something we can make happen [...] We know there's an audience for it. Our publicity team is reaching out to him.
If Huisman is worried about how he may be perceived if he poses for Playgirl, he should know that he's in good company. In fact, a whole slew of award-winning actors have posed for the magazine, including Michael Douglas, Jack Nicholson, and the perfectly mustachioed Tom Selleck. Still, just because these actors were on the cover of the mag, doesn't necessarily mean they took it all off, and it sounds like they want Huisman to go full frontal.
No word yet if Huisman would do it, but Daario isn't usually one to turn down a challenge...
And we know what Danaerys's response would be:
And Jorah:
Poor Jorah. Always friend-zoned, while Daario gets asked to pose for Playgirl.
Image: HBO; no middle ground/tumblr; Ah-marzing/tumblr; chryswatchesgot/tumblr