
Wait Til You See Tim's Yearbook Photo

by Mallory Schlossberg

So, the U.S. might have been eliminated from the World Cup, but the Internet won yet again — consider it the ultimate electronic scored goal. (Sorry, can't help myself with the godawful soccer puns.) To that end, you must see Tim Howard's high school yearbook photo, which features the mega-skilled goalie for the men's U.S. World Cup Team donning a suit and tie.

We've discussed at length just how awesome Tim Howard is — we've praised him for his animal rights activism and we've even gone so far as to make up a dance routine that you could have used to cheer on the goalkeeper and his team before they were out of the World Cup. (But don't worry — you can bust out those moves in your living room now.) But now, we have proof that he has been awesome for a long time — and he knew it, too. Look no further than his yearbook quote for evidence, as it says:

It will take a nation of millions to hold me back.

Damn, Tim Howard! What clairvoyance! It did take a nation of millions to hold him back. That nation of millions was Belgium. (10,239,085 to be exact.) Womp womp.

Anyhow, let's try to put that loss aside for now, and take a look at this photo.

You go, Timmy. You go.

Image: Imgur