
Tom Hiddleston's Co-Star Slut Shamed His Fans

by Martha Sorren

Tom Hiddleston is known for being really, really patient with his hoards of over-excited fans. But it seems that the Hiddlestoners are wearing on some of the people around him. Namely actress Sienna Guillory, who tweeted a pretty rude message about Tom Hiddleston's fans on Sunday. Guillory is Hiddleston's co-star on the film High-Rise , so she probably has to deal with his fans every day when she shows up to work. Still, the tweet she composed was pretty harsh.

To the mound of teenage girls in 6" heels awaiting @twhiddleston on wrap; you look chilly, rhymes with silly, don a cardigan? #Hiddlesteria

Ouch. There's some serious fan-shaming and slut-shaming going on in that post. If someone wants to wear heels, that's totally within their rights no matter how old they are or how cold it is out. Furthermore, if the fans were really posing any kind of threat to the people on set or getting in the way of production, security would kick them out. More likely, they're just excited fans hoping they get a chance to meet Hiddleston. Also, as one astute Twitter user points out, "They need to wear those heels to at least reach up to Tom's bellybutton."

Heels aside, you can tell Guillory is also mocking the fans for looking silly in the supposed lack of clothing they have on. "You look chilly, rhymes with silly, don a cardigan?" she snidely remarks in her tweet.

Or, as an alternative to putting on a sweater, how about if we don't make these people justify what they're wearing?

I have no patience for women who slut-shame other women. I get that Guillory is annoyed, but she's an adult mocking teenagers on a public forum. Is it too much to ask her to be more mature than that?

Besides, let's not forget that this "mound of teenage girls" will probably make up a large portion of the people who even go to see High-Rise. Hiddleston got to where he was because of his talent, yes, but also because he has a crowd of people who care about the projects he makes. So the people she's patronizing are literally helping fund her paycheck and keep her relevant. She should probably keep that in mind the next time she wants to mock them on Twitter.

Image: thfrustration/Tumblr