
Beyonce's Surfboard Endorsement is Long Overdue

by Kenya Foy

OK so, I can't be the only one tapping my foot waiting impatiently on Beyoncé to announce a partnership, endorsement or design deal with a surfboard company. Better yet, Queen Bey is such a freakin' boss, she could easily form her own surfboard manufacturing business. Seriously, this Instagram photo of Beyoncé posing on a surfboard looks like an ad. And as much attention as the word surfboard receives on a daily basis since we first heard the lyrics, "fill the tub up halfway then ride it with my surfboard," it's about damn time someone makes this Beyoncé surfboard endorsement a reality.

A few years back, reports surfaced of Jay Z buying Beyoncé an island, so surely she must make use of surfboards (that aren't of the "Drunk in Love" variety) in her personal time, right? Even if that island claim is false, one look at Beyoncé's Instagram or her personal website tells me that a) if I had to appear on an episode of Wife Swap, I'd want to switch places with her and b) Beyoncé loves the beach life.

So, yeah I'm pretty convinced this should be the next step in the progression of Beyoncé's continuous empire expansion. Oh, and here's more evidence.

When you attempt to Google surfboard this is what happens:

Bey already has an apparel line that includes "Surfboard" sweatshirts. Even Lea Michele and Jonathan Groff have 'em:

If Beyoncé got in on the surfboard business, this could alter the music industry forever. Just like the slew of surprise albums came in the wake of Beyoncé's unannounced record, surfboards would suddenly dominate all music videos, regardless of song genre or content. There would no place in the industry for musicians who couldn't surf. Surf cleavage would become the new butt cleavage, and we'd all be forced to deal.SIGH. Oh well, this could happen. This should happen. Meanwhile, check out this photo of Bey and tell me it doesn't make you want to buy a surfboard, even if you don't know how to surf:

Images: Lea-Michele/Tumblr; Beyonce/Instagram