One of the things I enjoy the most about Big Brother is that each week someone new can be holding all of the power. Up until this week, the power was almost entirely in The Detonators' hands, but with two new Heads of Household crowned on Sunday's episode, the winning streak of their alliance came to an end with Nicole and Donny winning the two HOH spots. But, as we often find in the Big Brother house, people who have the most power are usually not those in the HOH room. Christine, the houseguest who just happened to find herself thrown into one of the most powerful alliances in the house, has officially become the most dangerous houseguest in the game.
Christine, who is from Tucson, Arizona, has been playing an extremely smart game so far. She listens to what every houseguest is saying and uses the information to manipulate others' emotions and votes. So smart. This week is no exception. No doubt Zach is Christine's number one target — besides Donny who she seems to be threatened by, for good reason — but how did Christine get almost the entire house to agree that Zach needs to go? Well it wasn't easy.
First, Christine won the Power of Veto this week. Whether she was just waiting to surprise attack her awesome competition strategy — she was so close to winning last week's POV — or it is just by chance, Christine won this Veto at the perfect time, allowing her to hold all of the power, more than her ex-BFF Nicole, the HOH.
Yes, you read that right. The pair that was considered "Nicotine" — Nicole and Christine — are no longer friends. Why? Well according to Nicole, Christine was trying to turn Nicole on Hayden by saying that he (Hayden) and Victoria were making out. For the record, they weren't. Does this rumor seem like something that would spread around a middle school like wild fire? Yes. But when you're in the Big Brother house, middle school drama is all they have to live on, so it worked. Nicole told Donny she and Christine weren't friends anymore and that she can't trust her, but she'll have to pretend to.
But late Sunday night, Christine began instigating even more doubt in almost every houseguest's mind. Christine started telling the others (specifically Hayden) that they were Zach's target, so maybe it would be in their best interest to vote him out, but she'll do whatever the house wants. In reality, Christine has every intention to vote Zach out, and is planting doubt in her fellow houseguests' heads about Zach's future plans of who his targets are. But Christine's pot stirring isn't going unnoticed.
How long will Christine be able to keep up this type of game play? She'll have to tread lightly, but she definitely is going in the right direction, towards the $500,000 prize.
Images: CBS; Zach Rance, FuckYeahItsBigBrother/Tumblr