7 Things To Know About 'Virgin Territory's Anna

In case you were wondering, you can be a virgin and work at Hooters. MTV's new reality series, Virgin Territory , premiered on July 16 and the network's officially changed the game when it comes to talking about sex. The series features four 20-somethings each week as they make the big decision about what to do with their v-card in the most uncomfortably honest ways. But, it's not just a show about losing your virginity — in the case of star Anna, this series is also about finding yourself.
Fans were introduced to Anna, the Ohio native from a conservative family, on the July 30 episode of Virgin Territory. As for Anna's virginity, she grew up learning from her conservative family that sex before marriage just wasn't acceptable and she was taught to save herself for the big day. Apparently, though, Anna was always wild at heart, so when she got to Orlando, FL for college, she realized that maybe being conservative wasn't for her. She's since gotten together with Alex Gaona, a card-carrying non-relationship guy, and has attempted to settle down. But really, even though she is a star of Virgin Territory, there's a lot more to know about Anna than her search for the right guy to lose her virginity to.
She's An "Everything But" Virgin
Which would explain that booty call she made to Alex on last Wednesday's episode.
She Knows That Guac Is Extra
At Bustle, we love a girl who loves her Chipotle — and who gets guac.
She's A Hooters Girl
You do you, girl.
She's A Total Cat/Dog Mom
Where can I get two of these for my cats?
She Loves A Good Food Instagram
This "Lazymoon" place sounds like heaven.
Seriously, I want to go out for dinner with her.
And I want to be eating this sandwich right now.
She Knows The Power of a Margarita After A Long Day
One of the hashtags on this photo is "it's been a day." Well, we've all been there.
She Gets Her Red Hair From Her Grandma
The caption of this photo is too sweet to not share: "Had the best afternoon with my grandma today. She's the lady I got my red hair from, who I got a lot of me personality from, teaches me something new all the time, is the sweetest and nicest, and makes me laugh. #loveher #grandma"
Images: MTV, AnnaWindom/Instagram (8)