
Momma K Is Looking a Little Pale

by Shorey Andrews

The Kardashian's continue their plan to take over the world with their new tanning line titled Kardashian Sun Kissed. While Kim was busy promoting the new line at Ulta in L.A. she spoke to US Weekly about her beauty routines, specifically on how Kim Kardashian achieves her signature tan glow. She explained to the magazine that before baby North came along she was spray tanning herself like crazy, but now with her hectic mom schedule she doesn't have that same kind of time. She also admitted that she did go a little too crazy with the spray tans in the past and became really dark. Thanks Kim — I'm glad you said it first!

Momma Kim went on to say that she now waits until her new family is fast asleep before she spray tans herself. Although her Instagram has showcased a lot of beach and backyard lounging lately, the reality star explains that she can only sneak out to soak up the sun when North West is napping. She also freely admits that she gets her tan on before she goes on vacation so she doesn't have to work for it while she is there. Spoken like a true Kardashian.

In the spirit of Kim K's spray tan obsession I scoured her latest photos to see exactly where baby North may have interrupted momma K's spray dates. But first, her best tanned moment ever:


So, this is a very tanned, very sexy, very over-the-top Kim Kardashian. Now onto the pale photos!


Sure, it may just be the lighting in this promo shot for Hype Energy, but it doesn't change the fact that she is looking a wee bit washed out.


Kim was looking so pale on this particular day that she decided to hide the evidence.


Ok, ok, so she has a gorgeous glow in these photos, BUT that doesn't change the fact that Kimmie is just slightly lighter than we are use to seeing. Also, I think she is playing tricks on us with bronzer.


This might be another case where the culprit is clearly Photoshop or the lighting. Either way someone dropped the ball with this one!


Oh Kimmie, when you take a photo next to your other pale friends, it only proves further that baby North got in the way of your beauty routine once again. It must be one tough life you live.

Images: KimKardashian/Instagram