
Want Some KK:H Freebies? Of Course You Do

by Christine DiStasio

Isn't Kim Kardashian just the most generous and kind overlord of the iPhone gaming universe? Not only did she hear our collective prayers and grant our greatest wish by making getting married in Kim Kardashian: Hollywood possible, but Kim also wants to give us gifts. And no, not just gifts like that kind of heinous birthday dress from Level 1 — these are things you actually want and haven't been able to afford because you don't have enough K-stars (including that top-knot hairstyle you've been eyeing). See, I told you Kim cares about her faithful subjects and their success in her iPhone game. That, or she's just noticed how some of us, namely me, have gotten frustrated with having to rotate between the same three hairstyles. (Such peasantry.) So, how do you score these mythical gifts in Kim K's iPhone game?

Well, you've got some options. But first, you have to make sure you download the KK:H 2.0 update. Otherwise you get absolutely nothing and don't get to see the real-life video of Kim introducing all of the super-fun new features for you and your avatar to enjoy. (Unfortunately, she still hasn't removed Willow Pape or Chad Dylan Parker and his girlfriend from the game. Damn it.)

So, now that you've downloaded the updates — and if you haven't, stop reading because you clearly aren't committed enough to Kim, fame, and the possibility of living vicariously through your avatar as he/she gets married in front of that massive flower-wall in Florence — here's how you can score some free stuff on KK:H:

Mystery Gifts

The mystery gift feature is totally awesome because you don't have to do a single thing — OK, fine, you have to sign onto the game, but that's it — to get a free gift every day. Yes, I said EVERY DAY. Basically, every 24 hours, when you open KK:H on your phone, the mystery gift screen will pop up and you'll be prompted to choose a gift box to open. And that's it — seriously, that's all you have to do.

Yesterday I got a really cute purse, something I never would've wasted my hard-earned KK:H dollars on in the past.

But the mystery gifts could be anything from a new dress to a new hairstyle to five, free energy bolts. And again, you just have to be a faithful KK:H player that logs in once a day to be able to get them. Praise, Kim.

Additional Gifts

If one, free mystery gift isn't enough for you (greedy, greedy), you can open additional gifts by sacrificing 10 K-stars each. Which might seem like a good idea at the time, but I'm not going to recommend it. Unless you're someone who's hacked the game and has thousands of K-stars hanging around, then you can just do whatever damn well you please because you are clearly of a more evolved iPhone game species.

Party Event Free Gifts

Between now and Oct. 5, if you try out the game's new feature that allows you to throw parties at you various homes three times and get five stars for each party, you could win some fabulous gifts as well. This update apparently came with loads of bling that KK:H wants to give you as gifts, but it'll take a little more effort to score this loot than just tapping on a gift box. But can you really say no to that dress?

Now do you believe me that Kim is the most gracious overlord of iPhone gaming? You don't have to answer that, I know you do.

Images: Kim Kardashian: Hollywood (5)