Cardinals Fans React Badly To Ferguson Protesters
If you're a Cardinals fan, you're likely anticipating the upcoming National League Champion Series game against the Giants on Saturday. As usual, early fall is a good time for fans of the perennial baseball favorites. Bad news, though, you don't get an excuse for being a racist even if the Cards are on! I know, right? It's a fact some St. Louis fans came face-to-face with when they clashed with a group protestors demanding justice for Mike Brown, hurling some jaw-droppingly racist remarks.
A small group of protestors peacefully assembled outside of Busch Stadium Monday night while the Cardinals were playing their third game in a series against the Los Angeles Dodgers. The Cardinals had been notified that protests might occur at the home games, but their fans, apparently, had not (nor should they be).
While the game was raging on inside, there was a large group of fans gathered in an outdoor smoking section (probably after that Dodgers run in the sixth, amirite?) partitioned off from the protestors. As the comparatively unobtrusive protest went on, the Cardinals fans began their own counter-protest. A 25 minute stream from Argus Streaming News caught every racist moment of the exchange. It's long, and it's infuriating, so here are some of the key points, in case you don't feel like completely shedding your faith in humanity.
- Less than a minute in, an older white gentleman said, "If they were working we wouldn't have this problem," referring to the group of all black protestors. Because being anywhere at night, like this obviously retired man, is a sure sign that you are unemployed.
- As Cardinals fans are wont to do, they started chanting "Let's go Cardinals!" to drown out the protestors. The protestors turned it into a back-and-forth chant with, "Justice for Mike Brown!" I briefly thought the two groups would come together!
- And then a bro, clearly pleased with himself, started a "Let's go Darren!" chant, referring to the Ferguson officer who shot and killed Mike Brown. He was joined by other bros who were pleased at their infinite wit and racism.
- A man addresses one of the protestors and tells him to go to a dentist, calls him a crackhead.
- A blonde woman fearlessly emerges from the mass of Cardinals fans to tell the protestors that "we" (read: white people) gave all of "y'all" (read: black people) the "freedoms that you got." I choked on my coffee.
- Another woman starts quizzing the Argus Streaming News' Mustafa Hussein, who was operating the camera, about his claim that he was a Marine. "How...far did you get?" She retreated pretty quickly.
- At around 15 minutes there is a shockingly large group of white people shouting "USA! USA!" and looking pretty proud for people who are disparaging democratic process.
- At around 17 minutes the blonde freedom-gifter is back, and this time she unsuccessfully tries to start an "Africa! Africa!" chant.
- At around 20 minutes, I gave up on everything I once believed.
Images: Screenshots/Argus Streaming News