
Will China White Be Back in 'Arrow' Season 3?

by Kayla Hawkins

Arrow's structure has always balanced flashbacks with the present-day narrative, and after an episode all about Felicity's past, we're going to see a renewed interest in Oliver Queen's. In the sixth episode of the new season, informants will be withholding secret information that Oliver has to uncover in the next installment of Arrow's flashback sequences. That begs the question, will we be seeing China White in Arrow Season 3? Kelly Hu's performance was one of the best parts of Season 2, but does the super-assassin with bleached hair belong in the largely grounded and dark Arrow Season 3?

I'm sure they could do a more naturalistic take on her character, but it still remains to be seen, as the creators and producers have left the door open for her return, but haven't promised when or how we'll see her come back. But Hu has said that she's just waiting for them to let her know. In an interview with Spoiler TV, she said "I don’t know when I’m going to be back. Right now my character is in jail and I’m not dead so that’s a good thing. There is a possibility as long as you’re not dead." So it's not impossible!

Right now, Oliver is still learning about the plot to kill Chien orchestrated by Amanda Waller. Now that we know who was really behind the attempt, we probably won't see China joining Waller's Suicide Squad when she inevitably breaks out of or is released from prison. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Arrow refrains from bringing her back until Chien Na Wei can emerge as an ally for Oliver Queen in the present, even though traditionally the character is a villain.

But actress Hu hasn't just been waiting next to the phone for Arrow to call. For the past few weeks, she's been posting on Instagram from Vietnam… which is pretty far from Canada, where Arrow is shooting. Guess we can't expect her to pop up too soon.

We might end up seeing China in the back nine episodes of Arrow, but for now, I don't know if the producers will have time to incorporate her in the next few episodes. At the moment, they're building up to the big Arrow/The Flash crossover that will be going down in just a few weeks. Barry and Oliver punching one another in the face? I can't blame them for putting the other plot threads on hold. I guess we'll just have to wait for an answer to all of our burning China White questions.

Images: Jack Rowand/The CW; Giphy