
Meet Your Christmas Present

by Eliza Castile

Wondering what to get your recently dumped, social media-obsessed friend for the holidays? Well, your search is over as of today, because rent-a-hottie start up ManServants is expanding to social media.You might recall ManServants from earlier this year, when its tone-deaf commercial elicited controversy for stereotyping women and the LGBT community. (The advertisement portrayed women as "stroller-walking, Vogue-reading, sun-bathing glamourati," and the lone gay couple just avidly watched their hunk doing push ups.) At the time the PG-rated escort service wasn't available yet, but according to Mashable, it's doing pretty well since its launch in San Francisco. Well enough, in fact, for founders Wai Lin and Dalal Khajah to introduce two new, digital aspects of the business: ManGram and #InstaLover.The aptly named ManGram is pretty close to a singing telegram for the digital age. For $20 per video, you can send your friends anything videos of a Man Servant reading your message to her, or if you give them inside info (likes, dislikes, personality, etc.) you can send a personalized "fawning video clip." I'll admit that having a hot man read your friend a message would be a pretty hilarious alternative to a traditional Christmas or birthday card, but... is anyone else weirded out by the thought of commissioning a video of a man pretending to be slavishly devoted to your friend?

If that's not enough access to hot men for you, wait! There's more. #InstaLover is perfect for the person who's glued to their phone, obsessively refreshing their Twitter followers and counting their Instagram likes. (The kind that should maybe look into the Facebook Demetricator...?) With this product, you can order an attractive man to stalk your Instagram for a month, liking and complimenting all your photos. Not to be a Negative Nancy or anything, but I don't really see the appeal of paying someone to like all your photos. If you want someone to stalk your Instagram, just put your username on Tinder and watch the random likes start rolling in.But hey! If this sounds appealing, then go for it. Plus, think of your the look on your frat bro friend's face if you got a ManGram for them as a gag gift. Not that I'm advocating that or anything...

Images: Enrique Lin/Flickr, Giphy