Well, folks — the holiday season is officially upon us, which means it is now socially acceptable for me to start watching Christmas movies. Something that I have totally not been doing for the past three (alright, fine, four) weeks, BTW. So naturally, Will Ferrell's iconic Christmas classic Elf has shot to the top of my list, which works out rather conveniently given that it just so happens to be scheduled to air this Monday evening at 8 p.m. (ET) during ABCFamily's 25 Days of Christmas . The comedy, the candy, the A-list casting — this movie has it all and then some. And can you think of a better film to help put you in the holiday spirit? (The answer is no. No, you cannot.)
In fact, Buddy the Elf pretty much encompasses every emotion we've ever felt in the holiday joy spectrum, making him not only lovable, but extremely relatable. Like us, he too has experienced both the highest highs and lowest lows that come with the joy (and stress) of this time of year. So to help gear us up for the holiday season, I thought it would be fun to highlight the many stages of Christmas merriment as told by Buddy the Elf.
There's, Of Course, Excitement
Presents! Candy! Christmas music! Time off from work! Sure, it may still all be weeks and weeks away, but who cares? There's just so much to look forward to that it's put us in a spinning glass case of emotion. (Oops, wrong movie.)
Followed By a Ton of Christmas-Themed Activities
After all, if you're going to fit as many festivities in as you can, you've got to stay organized. And well rested.
Suddenly, You Start Seeing Christmas in Everything
Even if others have trouble appreciating your creative holiday zest.
You Crave Companionship
You're in such a good mood you can't help but try and share it with everyone around you. Whether they want you to or not.
And Can't Stop Smiling
Food Takes On a Whole New Meaning
What is a diet?
And Christmas Songs Are Blasting 24/7
With you singing along, of course.
Sure, You Encounter a Bit of Frustration Along the Way
The start of Christmas means lots of shopping… which means crowds… and a huge dip in your bank account… and OMG I can't afford to have this many friends.
But One Word Always Manages To Pull You Out of That Funk
Santa > everything else.
That Is, Until Christmas Ends
And You Have To Go Back To Work
Ugh, kill me now.
But At Least It Was Fun While It Lasted
And there's always next year to look forward to.