
Why's Ben Wishaw Look So Familiar?

by Marenah Dobin

As we all know, Daniel Craig is set to return to his role of James Bond. Along with that not-so-shocking news there have been several casting developments that were released on Thursday, including the announcement that Ben Whishaw will return to his role as Q in the upcoming James Bond movie Spectre. Yes, technically speaking Ben Whishaw is "reprising" his role since he previously appeared in the 2012 Skyfall film. Nevertheless, I cannot help but react to this news with one question: "Who?"

I am sorry James Bond fans, but I do not know who this guy is. The name does sound familiar, but that's pretty much it for me. James Bond movies focus on more than the titular character. The technology, plot lines, and supporting cast are all integral to their success. This makes me want to know more about the man playing Q. Who is Ben Whishaw? What other roles has he had? What else can I find out about him? Q is the head of the British Secret Service's research and development department. It's such a mysterious role and it appears to be played by an equally mysterious actor. But don't worry, I am a secret service level investigator. You can think of me as the James Bond of celebrity gossip. If you want to find out more about Ben Whishaw, I'm your girl.

He's From the U.K.

Andreas Rentz/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Whishaw is 24 years old and from Clifton, Bedfordshire in the UK. His parents are Linda and Jose Whishaw and he has a twin brother named James.

He was Dubbed the Next Laurence Olivier

Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

In 2004, he was one of the youngest actors to portray Hamlet on stage and many critics considered this performance to be star quality with some even hailing him as the next Laurence Olivier. That's quite a bit to live up to.

He Has Previously Worked With Daniel Craig

Jason Kempin/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Aside from the James Bond franchise, Whishaw has worked with Daniel Craig in three other films. The two acted in the movie Layer Cake which came out in 2004. They also worked together on another 2004 film called Enduring Love. Before that the two acted in the 1999 movie The Trench. That is a lot of mutual film credits. There has to be some sort of bromance going on.

He's Paddington the Bear

Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Look out for a familiar sounding voice. Whishaw will play the title role in the upcoming animated movie Paddington.

He's Very Private

Sean Gallup/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

This explains why we don't hear a lot about the actor. He has previously said, "For me, it's important to keep a level of anonymity. As an actor, your job is to persuade people that you're someone else. So if you're constantly telling people about yourself, I think you're shooting yourself in the foot." Well that's pretty logical. You don't ever hear people gossiping about Meryl Streep and she has had all those Oscar nominations. Whishaw may be on to something with this mindset.

He's Taken

Christopher Polk/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Sorry, everyone. This man is off the market. Whishaw entered into a civil partnership with Mark Bradshaw in August 2013. Bradshaw is a composer and the couple met on the set of the 2009 movie Bright Star. In 2011 he said, "As an actor you have total rights to privacy and mystery, whatever your sexuality, whatever you do. I don't see why that has to be something you discuss openly because you do something in the public eye."

I have to admit that I am pretty embarrassed for not knowing who Ben Whishaw was before writing this. He is very accomplished, talented, and well-spoken. I have a feeling that his return to the James Bond franchise is just the start of more great things to come.

Images: Getty Images (6)