There's really no easy way to say this, but as the holiday season approaches, our television options are becoming fewer and farther between. I mean, don't get me wrong. I love me some good, old-fashioned Christmas movies, but nothing can compare to the exciting, action-packed experience that our fall TV shows can provide. And as it stands, we're on the brink of the last few midseason finales and The 100 's final fall episode is the one I'm looking forward to the most. Seriously, this show's second season is outdoing itself with the compelling story arcs and I am so not complaining. That being said, though, it's bound to make the series' eminent departure all the more painful to endure. So when exactly will The 100 return from its winter hiatus? Unfortunately, it won't be until the New Year. Jan. 21, 2015 to be more specific.
That's right, people. Those grounders and reapers and shady Mount Weather folk are going to leave us hanging (not in that creepy, blood-draining way) for the better part of January. But fear not, my fellow TV lovers, for there are still plenty of ways for us to occupy ourselves until that glorious day is once again upon us. Just follow these easy steps and this series will be back on our screens in no time — guaranteed.
Go Camping
Obviously, this will prove to be easier for some than for others, depending on the general weather in your area. (Camping in the dead of winter is the opposite of a good time. Trust me.) However, if you do live in a location where you don't have to worry about freezing to death, this little endeavor will prove to be very rewarding. Not only will this allow you become one with nature, but it'll help you to better appreciate just how much better we have it than these guys. You know, what with the constant fear of death and all. #blessed
Hang Out With Your Best Bud
One of the nice things about holiday break is that usually your old childhood friends are around to spend time with. Why not use this opportunity to catch up and reminisce about the good old days? Or, better yet, create some new memories to look back on in years to come.
Cyber Stalk the Cast
Just because they're no longer taking up residence on your TV screens doesn't mean you can't still learn everything you possibly can about each cast member on the Internet. (That's what it's there for, right?) Find out their interests, familiarize yourself with their former projects — pretty soon you'll feel like their BFF and develop an appreciation for the actors on a whole new level.
Re-Watch Season 1
Because, hey, if you can't beat your obsession, you might as well indulge it.
Images: Cate Cameron/The CW; cwthe100, lodedipers/Tumblr; Wifflegif; elenlith/Tumblr