
Here's Why Chris Abbott Actually Left 'Girls'

by Alanna Bennett

When Christopher Abbott left Girls back in April, rumors of a tiff with show creator Lena Dunham surrounded the exit. Both the show and Abbott have moved on from each other by now, but the story circled back around this week with Abbot's decision to speak publicly about his decision to leave Girls .

Back when the news first broke, sources told the Post that Abbott was leaving the show due to differences with Dunham: “They’ve just started work on Season 3, and Chris is at odds with Lena,” said the source. “He didn’t like the direction things are going in, which seems a bit odd since the show put him on the map.”

The extent to which this "feud" actually occurred remains to be revealed, but Abbott said in a recent interview with

the Times that his decision had more to do with his personal relationship to his character:

The world that Lena wrote was very real, especially in New York. But it wasn’t as relatable for me on a personal level. It’s not that I only like to play roles I know to a T, but there’s something satisfying about playing parts where you really relate to the characters.

Abbott is currently appearing onstage in New York as the "macho but fragile" Tony in Hill Town Plays, so we suggest looking to that character for some clues into what Abbott relates to.