
Katy Perry's Super Bowl Song Choices Are Perfect

by Nicole Pomarico

Unless the Super Bowl wanted to put together an 'NSync reunion, I can think of few better halftime performers than Katy Perry. This year, along with Lenny Kravitz, Perry took over the Super Bowl stage, and I can't lie: My expectations were pretty high, especially where her song choices lie. Obviously, I expected her medley to include mostly upbeat songs, and my fingers were crossed for a mix of old and new songs — selections from her first album all the way up to her most recent release, Prism. And although the surprise of her special guest (Missy Elliot) was revealed a little early, I thought that Perry would have a few more unexpected moments up her sleeve. And I was right: Katy Perry sang "Roar," "Dark Horse," "I Kissed a Girl," "Teenage Dream," "California Girls," "Get Ur Freak On," "Work It," "Lose Control," (with Missy Elliot), and "Firework."

And as excited as I was for the special effects and crazy outfits she chose, I feel like a huge part of how the audience feels about her performance hinges on her song choices. And now that the moment is over, we finally know what they are — and I couldn't be more thrilled with her choices.


Right out of the gate, Perry is supplying us with everything I expected so far: An insane outfit (made of flames, of course) and a giant lion/tiger/Transformer that raised its front legs and shockingly enough did not toss her off. We're already off to a good start.

"Dark Horse"

As much as I love Perry, I am way more into the fact that there are giant dancing chess pieces on a really trippy chessboard. I love this. Can we watch this for the rest of the night instead of all the football they keep trying to get us to watch?

"I Kissed a Girl"

I never imagined I would ever see Lenny Kravitz appear on the Super Bowl stage to sing "I Kissed a Girl," but it totally happened, and I love it. Now, I want an entire album of Kravitz/Perry duets. Is that something that can happen?

"Teenage Dream"

LOVE: Perry's beach ball themed dress. HATE: The fact that the beach balls and trees are going to haunt me in my nightmares tonight. Their mouths are opening, guys.

"California Girls"

Out come the dancers in vintage swimsuits, and it's basically the cutest representation of this song ever.

"Get Ur Freak On/Work It/Lose Control"

MISSY ELLIOT IS EVERYTHING. After she came out to perform her biggest hits (along with Perry), it was pretty perfect. So perfect, in fact, it's making me want a rap album from Perry, a desire I never imagined I'd have.


"Firework" was definitely the best performance, and not just because actual real fireworks were involved. I love when Perry's vocal talents shine through, and the fact that her outfit/flying over the crowd contraption looked a lot like NBC's "The More You Know" logo didn't hurt either.

Images: MTV/Tumblr, ryanseacrest/Tumblr (3), ipodmini/Tumblr (2), brazil201/Tumblr