What is Pegging? ' Broad City ' Enlightens Us

Abbi got it in on Broad City... and what exactly went in where is just another example of the Comedy Central show's boldness. The series may just be in its second season, but it's already exploring topics that even some of the edgier HBO and Showtime series would steer clear of. This Wednesday, Abbi and Jeremy finally go on their first "non-date hangout" (because this is the kind of world we live in, where there's nothing scarier than labeling a date an actual date) and end up in bed together. But instead of her and Jeremy sticking to vanilla first date (if it is a date) sex, Abbi was in for a pretty big sexual challenge — and she delivered.
Abbi's been pining over her neighbor Jeremy since Season 1, so it's not surprising that she was more than down to spend the night with him at his catalog showroom-esque apartment. (He knocked down all the walls because he "hates walls.") While laying in bed together — with Abbi underneath Jeremy — Abbi asked if they could maybe "switch." Abbi meant for her to get on top, but Jeremy thought she meant that she wanted to be placed elsewhere — specifically, behind him. Yep, Jeremy wants Abbi to "peg" him, a reversal of traditional anal sex in which the woman penetrates the man with a dildo attached to her body. Jeremy grabs a custom-made strap-on from a drawer and hands it to Abbi who, in her bewilderment, calls Ilana.
No surprise here — Ilana is totally encouraging of Abbi's sexual exploration with Jeremy, something that makes Abbi feel a whole lot better for following through with the act. And it turns out that she doesn't hate it — if mainly because it felt good to make Jeremy so happy. What she didn't expect? That the dildo they used wasn't dishwasher safe, and that Jeremy wasn't exactly the most mature person on the planet. You can have all of the custom furniture in the world, but denying a $79 dildo because it wasn't "built for your specific shape" makes you kind of the worst. Oh well. At least Abbi got a nice jewelry holder out of the ordeal — I'm surprised there aren't more Pinterest tutorials on how to repurpose tossed away sex toys.
So we probably won't be shipping Abbi and Jeremy anymore (let's be honest, did anyone? He always read as a douche to me) but we can applaud Broad City once again for its boldness. Few shows explore sex in such an open and non-traditional way. Though the sex on Broad City is often followed with ridiculous consequences (like, your BFF's mom finding your brand-new dildo in your purse) it's also a touch more realistic than shows that depict beautiful people with perfect bodies writhing around together in candlelight. Sometimes sex is awkward and uncomfortable. Sometimes it's equal parts fun and terrifying to try something new. And while some moments may be cringeworthy — just like in real life! — you can't deny that there's a hint of reality in the madness.
Image: Giphy; Ali Goldstein/Comedy Central