
#QuestionsForMen Is Your New Favorite Hashtag

by Eliza Castile

When Daily Life writer Clementine Ford tweeted a few rhetorical questions pointing out the everyday sexism that female writers face, she probably didn't expect it to spark an international hashtag with hundreds of responses, but that's exactly what happened. The Twitter hashtag #QuestionsForMen has gained significant popularity in just two days, and it's not showing any signs of slowing down, Mashable reports. Similar to the Everyday Sexism Project, which began in 2012 but is still tweeted about to this day, #QuestionsForMen highlights just how much casual misogyny women face every day, and conversely, how privileged men are as they go about their lives.Users of the hashtag post questions designed to make a point about the daily life of a woman, serving as a succinct reminder that although feminists may have the support of the Queen of Flawless, a.k.a. Beyonce, women are still far from equal. Do boys in middle school miss valuable learning time after they're sent home for showing too much skin and "distracting" their female classmates? Do they have to fight to be taken seriously at work, only to be called "bossy" and accused of sleeping their way to the top if they're in a position of power? Are they forced to travel in groups after dusk for fear of being raped, which they'll inevitably be blamed for if it does happen? I think we all know the answer.

Here's Ford's original tweet:

Which she then followed up with a multitude of similar questions, inspiring others to follow suit.

Some users, of course, completely missed the point.

Clearly the men's rights activists are taking this one well. We may have made huge progress in the past century, but it says a lot about the state of gender equality, especially on the Internet, that this is how men are reacting to a feminist hashtag. Now excuse me, I'm off to enrage some meninists. Gotta love the sweet smell of misogynistic rage in the morning.