
Demi Lovato's Bikini Picture Is Inspiring

I'm constantly impressed with Demi Lovato because even at the young age of 22, she's totally taken to her role model status and uses her fame for good. Just on Friday, Lovato posted a bikini picture to Instagram along with this totally inspiring caption, "Regardless of what society tells you these days...You don't have to have a thigh gap to be beautiful. It is possible to love your body the way it is. #fitness #health #acceptance #selflove."

It's not the first time Lovato has been a champion for body positivity. Ever since she checked into rehab for her own eating disorder in 2010, Lovato has emerged better than ever. She hasn't shunned her story or refused to talk about it. She wants people to know what she struggled with, and how she's working to overcome it. But more importantly, she wants to serve as a reminder to all her fans that you should love yourself for who you are, no matter what you look like.

Lovato has a lot of young fans, especially young girls, and for them to see their idol portray such a strong sense of body positivity must be really great for them to see. It's great for me to see, too. It's a reminder that we're all beautiful, and being skinny shouldn't be our only goal. Rather, we should focus on being healthy.

It's a message Lovato has told us time and time again. And because I think it deserves repeating, here are 11 times she encouraged fans to love themselves for who they are.

When She Tore Down Skinny Standards

I love that Lovato isn't bashing women who may naturally have thigh gaps, she's just reminding us that you don't have to have one in order to be pretty.

When She Made Exercise About Being Healthy

I think my new workout motto is going to be, "Don't train to be skinny, train to be a badass."

When She Spearheaded No Makeup Monday

Two years ago, Lovato started the makeup-free selfie trend to inspire people to love the skin they're in.

When She Shared Her Own Story

Lovato opening up about her eating disorder and self-harm was such a big step for her. But it was also helpful to fans who may have struggled with similar things. Here was this amazing example of a woman who came back from that, and showed everyone that they can overcome their struggles too. Instead of hiding it and acting like it was shameful to go to rehab, she championed the idea that people should get help when they need it.

When She Pledged to Take Care of Herself

"You don't have to wait till the beginning of a new year to make resolutions for yourself. It's all about loving and taking care of the only body you will ever have," she wrote under this side-by-side photo. "Cherish it, love it, embrace it... Because when you do... It begins to show."

When She Stood Up to Magazines

It's well known that media can have a negative impact on women's view of their bodies. But Lovato chooses to challenge this and remind everyone that what magazines are doing is not OK.

When She Reflected on Her Past

Lovato isn't interested in ignoring her past. She frequently acknowledges the misguided perceptions of her body she used to have, and how far she's come. "It makes me sad because I wasted so many years ashamed of my body when I could've been living the happy and healthy life I live today," she wrote in this picture's caption. "It TRULY just goes to show you that your perceptions can lie to you. OR they can make you learn to enjoy life ... I'm so excited to live my life the way I deserve to and to the complete fullest."

When She Made Flaws a Good Thing

The world would be a pretty boring place if everyone was the same.

When She Remined Everyone That Health Comes First

There was a time that Lovato sacrificed her well-being to be skinny. So much has changed since then, and I'm glad she's putting health first because at the end of the day that's the most important thing.

When She Was Rosie the Riveter

Lovato posed as the ultimate image of female strength to tell fans, "Be good to your body, and your body will be good to you."

When She Said Self Love Comes First

True that. Thanks Demi for reminding me that I'm awesome no matter what size I am. You're a true inspiration.

Images: belovedbrooklyn, tswiftisflawless, nic0tine-kisses/Tumblr