
Can You Guess This 'Friends' Episode?

by Mary Grace Garis

So, you think you know Friends? That after binge-watching over the past few months you're able to recall every episode from memory? That you're a Friends expert who could name episodes from a single screencap, and that you're the show's number one fan? Well, alright, buddy, let's put your knowledge to the test — that's what the Internet is for.

I've collected screenshots from 10 episodes of Friends, and included three possible episodes it could be from. It's up to you to guess which episode it's from. And, well, at first glance that may seem like an easy task — but remember that there are 236 episodes of Friends total, which is a lot to recall by memory, especially if you're trying to remember the titles of each episode at the same time. (No, saying "that one episode where Rachel and Ross broke up again!" will not count as a correct answer.)

But with each picture boasting varying degrees of difficulty, this should be an interesting challenge — especially for those amongst us who consider themselves super fans. So put away Google, unearth your encyclopedic knowledge of Friends, and see if you can get a 10 out of 10.

1. What episode is this from?

A. "The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss"

B. "The One Where Ross is Fine"

C. "The One With Ross's Tan"

2. What episode is this from?

A. "The One Where Eddie Moves In"

B. "The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line"

C. "The One With a Chick... And A Duck"

3. Which episode is this from?

A. "The One With Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss"

B. "The One With All The Kissing"

C. "The One With Rachel's Big Kiss"

4. Which episode is this from?

A. "The One With The Vows"

B. "The One With Barry and Mindy's Wedding"

C. "The One With the Cheap Wedding Dress"

5. What episode is this from?

A. "The One With The Rumor"

B. "The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs"

C. "The One With The Football"

6. What episode is this from?

A. "The One With The Inappropriate Sister"

B. "The One With Rachel's Sister"

C. "The One With Rachel's Other Sister"

7. Which episode is this?

A. "The One With Joey's New Girlfriend"

B. "The One Where Ross Got High"

C. "The One Where Joey Speaks French"

8. Which episode is this?

A. "The One With Joey's Award"

B. "The One With Ross's Grant"

C. "The One Where No One's Ready"

9. Which episode is this?

A. "The One Where Ross Can't Flirt"

B. "The One Where Ross and Rachel Take a Break"

C. "The One With Ross's Denial"

10. Which episode is this?

A. "The One With the Flashback"

B. "The One With the Videotape"

C. "The One With All The Thanksgivings"

Made your guesses? Here are the answers.

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. A

6. B

7. B

8. C

9. B

10. C

Images: NBC/Netflix (10)